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"What do you mean he hasn't selected his successor ?"
"He hasn't. That is what I felt after talking to him this afternoon."
"Well then you need to hurry with our plan. You and Smenkhhare must be the ones to inherit the throne."
" I know that father and I am working towards that. It's not easy. I am trying to curry favour with Pharaoh and it is not easy because he has never been fond of me. I have also been busy trying to take down Rashida."
" You must deal with her. Your plan to do it after she killed Bennu will surely succeed. After her, it will be Astrid."
" She is the hardest to harm. She has Seti to protect her all the time. Since what we did to her, he hasn't let her out of his sight so it's difficult to do anything."
" You will find a chance soon. How is Baka ?" he said as he reached out to get a bunch of dates from the dish on the table.
" He is doing his work well although I feel that he won't be as reliable. He is beginning to show signs of fear."
" Lucky for us we have his family under our grasp. He shouldn't be a problem. When you become queen consort, kill him or he will be a big threat."
" Of course. I wouldn't need anyone to cause me trouble."
" Speaking of trouble, did you get the amulet back from Smenkhhare ?"
" Not yet. I went through all his things and didn't find anything. He must have thrown it away. He wouldn't dare expose me anyway because he knows that I know what he did to Astrid. Moreover, I don't think he would say it because it will ruin his reputation and make him lose the throne."
" Which is why I need you to do what we planned. If Pharaoh has not chosen a successor, hurry up and make it happen immediately. Find a way to get pregnant as well before Astrid or Rashida do. That will win you more points. I have to leave now," he said as he tossed the remaining dates onto the table and stood up.
"I shall see you out," she said as she stood behind him.
"No need. Just do what you have to. Prove to me that you are my daughter."
"Yes father."
The door was opened and Smenkhhare entered the room.
" Oh my dear son in law,"Abasi with a bow."It is rare for me to ever see you whenever I come to visit my sweet daughter," he said in the most fake flattering voice.
"You had me until you called her sweet," he answered coolly and sat beside her wrapping his arm around her waist.
" What do you mean my lord ? Is my daughter not pleasing to you ?"
" She is actually,"he said as he looked at her and she forced a smile at him." It is good to have you visit her Abasi."
" Of course. She is my dear child after all."
" Mmmh."
" It is our family fortune that she got married to an extraordinary man as you,"he continued to praise Smenkhhare.
" You don't say,"Smenkhhare said uninterestedly." Abasi, you don't need to waste your and my time with flattery. We all know how wicked you and your daughter really are. I'm sure your other daughters, Meketaten and Setepenre, are of the same nature."
" Stop it Smenkhhare,"Meritaten begged.
" I don't understand what you're saying," Abasi said.
"Of course you wouldn't," the prince rolled his eyes."I am afraid that I won't be playing host to you today, father in law," he mocked." You were on your way out,"he added as he pointed at the door.
Abasi smiled uncomfortably before leaving and Meritaten stood up.
" He is my father Smenkhhare. Show him some respect."
" I don't respect murderers."
" Really ?" she snapped." You have always been so disrespectful towards him and belittled him. Can't you see that he is more powerful and can lend you a hand in your bid to inherit the throne ?"
" I don't need anyone's help especially yours. I have my own abilities and I can get the throne myself."
" Smenkhhare,"she sighed." He is after your well being. He will offer support to you. Please consider it."
" For the last time Meritaten. I shall not collude with a bunch of murderers and that is final."

"Anippe, I need you to go get my new jewels."
"Yes my lady."
"Remember to hurry up and be back. I can't stay alone," Rashida said as she pulled her knees to her chest while on the bed.
"Why ? What has been bothering you ? You have not been the way you were. You are not the happy and talkative person you were."
" It's nothing. Maybe I just needed change. I am married now and have to behave like a married woman. I now want to be happy with my husband and avoid trouble."
" This is so unlike you," she said and sat beside Rashida.
" We should live in peace and avoid trouble. Baka has been trying to seek me but I have avoided him. You should too. I don't want to hear or see you have any dealings with him."
" Yes my lady."
" Now hurry."
With a quick bow, she left to get the jewellery. Rashida lay back on the bed and curled herself.
" I'm sorry Bennu. I am sorry," she murmured." I didn't mean to."

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