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" Here you are dear. You have been ignoring the letters I send you."
"What did you expect Audelia," Aretha said as she rolled her eyes.
"What counts is that you have come to see me. I wanted to see you."
"Why ? You know that I am mad at you for trying to ruin how I see my family. We all are not perfect but we are happy. It's not as you said. I was told everything."
" They told you everything ? And are you alright after knowing the truth ?"
"Yes. Of course. I came here to tell you that we shouldn't meet anymore."
"Why not ?"
"I have already told you the reason why. I won't tolerate anyone talking badly about my family."
" They really haven't told you everything. You are still naïve Aretha. If they told you the truth something in you could have changed."
"And what is it that they have not told me Audelia. What do you know huh ?"
"I know about your mother. Aine. I also know about your father. His name was Leopold."
" Wait," Aretha said in confusion." How do you know so much ? Who are you ?"
" I know so much because I am your sister. "
Aretha burst into laughter leaving Audelia surprised.
"You really are funny Audelia," Aretha laughed and clapped her hands.
" Stop laughing Aretha. I am not lying to you. Why would I ?"
" Because from what I see, I can tell that you have a grudge against my family and trying to poison my mind against them is actually a wonderful move to bring disputes with the family."
" I have a grudge against them. For a good reason of course. They kicked me out of the family and left me alone with our father. You were an infant by then. Father had nowhere to go because of how Anthony disgraced him and took his wealth. Anthony did not like me at all and I also fought to have his love. Just like you fight to have it but you always get shut down. He was embarrassed by mother's choice of husband and so he made their lives miserable. She wanted a separation from father when he was accused of trying to steal from the king. He was locked up in the dungeons and she was expecting you by then and once you were born, Anthony set him free and he kicked us out. He spared mother and you alone. More than a year later, she died of the misery she had gone through."
" That's not true," Aretha spat." You're lying."
" What will I gain by lying to you ? I have lived away from the castle for twenty seasons. Never did I come to claim any special treatment or for payment. And guess what Aretha. Our mother is Anthony's firstborn so you and I are the ones with the rights to the throne and not your dear so called mother and her children who are loved more than you."
" Why are you doing this ? Why are you telling me this ? It's not true."
" I have never lied to you Aretha. Believe me or not but I am right. Go do your investigation and you will see that I am right sister."
" Don't you dare call me that. I am not your sister," Aretha said and she turned to leave.
" You know where to find me Aretha." Audelia shouted after Aretha.

The castle was busy planning the upcoming nuptials which would happen in three days. Many letters inviting the important guests were sent out. Astrid was called into the king's study.
" I've called you here to inform you of the wedding preparations. You will get married in three days."
"What! Three days ? That's too soon. Why is there a rush ?"
" You are not getting any younger. Even if you got married in the coming moon or season, you will still get married. The earlier the better. It will be on your birthday and that's why we settled on it. Let's celebrate the big day on your birthday."
She huffed and went away and found her mother with the royal tailors in her room.
" Here you are dear. Father and Ramses have decided to have your wedding in three days so I have brought the tailors here to take your measurements for the wedding gown."
" I see," she replied as she looked at Luciana who offered her a smile.
Once they were taken, they left her with Luciana who took a hairbrush and began to brush her mistress's hair.
" Prince Seti looks amazing. I also feel that he has a good personality and feel that this marriage is right for you," she said. Astrid remembered the day they met for the first time. It did not look like it was two days earlier. She walked into the throne room looking at her soon to be in-laws. She caught sight of Seti looking at her and felt giddy.
" Are you pleased with Princess Astrid ?" Pharaoh Ramses asked after a while.
" Yes I am," he said. His voice was heavenly. Never before had she felt swept off her feet by a man. It took time before she had feelings for Julian but here was a well built Egyptian man who would marry her.
" Are you pleased with Prince Seti ?"
" I am my lord," she said meekly.
" That is good. I now suppose that this wedding will push through,"this from Ramses." Having it in three days is a good choice so we can take the bride home. Do not worry Astrid. You shall be treated well there and I shall not let you suffer. My son will also take care of you and treat you kindly. The both of you will need to rely on each other and live well after your marriage."

"Hey, are you listening to me ?" Luciana said as she waved her hand in front of Astrid's face.
"What ? I'm sorry."
" Was my lady thinking about Prince Seti ?"
"Of course not Luciana."
"I just can't believe that I am getting married so soon. I will go and live in a place far from home. I feel as if bad things will happen when I'm not here."
"Everything will be alright. Do not worry. Fabian and Aretha are here to keep your parents and grandfather safe."
"You still have feelings for Fabian, don't you ?"
"I'll accompany you to Egypt. There I'll be away from here and I will have a lot of things to do so thinking about him or having feelings for him is out of question."
" Don't worry. Someday Luciana, I promise that I will set you free. You will not be branded anymore. Your descendants will be free."
" What ?"
" I mean it. When I find you a good husband whom I can entrust you to, I will set you free. I wouldn't want your child to be branded when it's born. You are more than a friend to me. You are like my sister and we promised each other to push and pull together in life."
" I must be a lucky maidservant then to have a mistress like you," Luciana smiled.

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