chapter 14

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She look me up and down with a disgust .who are you to Alexander? Am his mother so now please go and get him.

Am not gonna give him to some'am please give me my get the father to come and pick him up.

I walk pass her and walk into the class Alex see me and run up to me.I kneel dow before him,hewo mommy how are you.?am good baby how was your first day at school.

I made New friends look this is Mark and cassie.hello guys how are you.Am good they both answer.

I am Alex mother .nice to meet you Alex mother.

Alex go back to your seat now and move away from this woman.but she is my mommy.

Move away to your seat.Listen lady this is my child and I need to take him please mark his name .

Get his father to come and pick him up.I was getting angry so I pull out my phone and call marcello I put the phone on speaker.

On the third ring he pick up.hello baby what's wrong is everything ok?yes am ok but am at the school to pick up Alex and the teacher won't allow me to leave with him she say you have to come and pick him up.

Ok am on my way.I stand and wait for Marcello.

A little while after the door open and Marcello walk in.the teacher immediately fix her hair and walk up to him. But Marcello walk pass her and walk up to me.

Hey baby are you ok?yes am good.Alex come on its time to go home Alex run up to his father and hug him.

Please mark his name so I can take my son home Marcello demand the teacher.yes sir she said in a flirty voice.

When she was finish she walk up to us.are you two together .how does that concern you. I want to no because I want to if Alex live in a stable home.

What's that suppose to mean I ask.not being in a stable home can affect the child.I look at Marcello.

Do you want to go on a date with me teacher Marcello ask.She look surprise really she ask excited ok here is my number call me when you reach home I knew a man like you wouldn't date someone like her.

Marcello take the paper from her.he look at her so you never wanted to no if Alex lived in a stable home you wanted to no if I was single.

Yes she replied.Marcello look at her and smirk he hold up the paper with her number and tear it up in front of her then throw it at her.

Am taken keep your front on a leash he said before holding my hand and walking out with me and Alex.

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