Blissful Dream

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Tyler and I spent the rest of our day together. He walked with me around town, introducing me to so many people. The town looked very modern. All the people were humble and so nice, reminding me of my town.

We had stopped to have dinner at a nice restaurant and then ended the day with a movie in our living room. After a few movies, I drifted off to sleep. I can't remember exactly in the middle of which movie I must have drifted off to sleep, but the dream I had, was just as confusing as the ones I normally have.

I ran through the woods barefooted, wearing a sky blue dress that flowed beautifully on me. It almost seemed the dress was specially made for me. My hair cascaded down in loose waves, and my feet were left barefoot.

Maybe, I should be scared. But I sprinted carelessly through the woods, nonetheless. What exactly was I running for?

Yet- I wasn't scared.

These same woods dad and I used to come up and explore all the time. I remember his words. "A girl must always be prepared and knowledgeable of her surroundings. Remember, always be aware of your surroundings. Stay diligent, and above all, stay alert. Always ready to do anything in case an emergency comes up."

I can still see the smile on his face. The patience and the peaceful aura he held each time he taught my brother Aiden and me. Teaching us about the diverse amount of plants and ferns. Edible leaves, medicinal leaves to use in case we ever got hurt. He and mom were so good at recognizing all these things.

It always took Aiden and me a while to do all these and learn the differences between leaves.

My eyes diverted to a few ferns growing on the ground. I loved the taste of them. It was like chewing on a small piece of lemongrass.

I tucked a loose strand behind my ear and walked towards them. I got on my knees and picked a few strands still coiled, and smiled. I placed them in my mouth and indulge in the sweet-sour taste of it. My lips raised in an approving smile.

I can hear the wind, it was as if all my senses had been hyphened. I can hear the trickles of the spring waters, the leaves falling slowly from their branch.

My eyes could see the specks of dust falling freely to the ground.

"Wow! They look so beautiful. It's almost as if they danced with each other."

And suddenly, I was in all fours. My nose was no longer a nose, but a snout. Four delicate white paws stood instead of my arms and legs.

I could hear the sound of a bird. My eyes diverting towards the heavens looking for that bird. That cute mischievous bird I always dreamed of. There she was, a beautiful blue Phoenix, gracefully flying through the air above me.

"Emily," her sweet voice sounded so familiar. My eyes blinked a few before she was gone, making me turn in all directions until I found her again.

"Cora, where are you? Stop hiding from me." I called out to her. I laughed as my body sprinted and jumped joyfully, looking for her.

I hear her laughter as she teased me with her presence. "Can't catch me, Emily."

I ran and ran to catch up to her. "Wait. Please, wait." I ran on all four to catch up to her. My eyes glued on her to not lose sight of her again.

I tripped on a root that looped above the earth, making me stumble and fall right in front of the small spring waters.

I slowly rose to my feet- well, paws if you could say correctly. The water was so beautiful. Crystal clear, that you could see the many rocks in diverse colors and sizes. I could even smell how wonderful the water was. The alkaline and minerals that ran through that rich water.

I slowly walked towards it. My eyes grew wide as I glanced at my reflection and saw a white wolf before me. I gasped, taking a step back.

"Why are you so shocked by your appearance darling? This is who you truly are. You merely need to embrace who you are destined to be, and everything will fall into place. Only you can decide whether you will fulfill your destiny or not." Cora's voice startled me. I looked back, seeing her standing on top of a huge boulder.

"Cora. Why haven't you come to visit me for so long? It's been almost three years since I last saw you." I frowned reminiscing on the times I played with her in my dreams as I grew up.

"I had to leave for a little. I'm sorry. Someone else needed my help, but it's over now. So, I'm back where I belong. With you." She smiles and winks at me.

"Don't ever leave me again. I felt lonely without you. I really missed you, Cora."

"And I missed you, Em. I'll never leave you again. I'm part of you remember?" She responded making me feel at ease.

"Promise you'll never leave again. I felt a big part of me missing when you were gone. It was not pretty at all Cora."

She laughs and nods her little head expanding her wings. "I know. I know. I promise, Em. I will never leave, ever again. Now, about your wolf,"

I look at her dumbfounded. I don't have a wolf. What the hell is Cora talking about!?

"Umm, what wolf? Cora?"

" You're wolf will awaken soon. It's taken her a long time because you never acknowledged her. You always shrugged it off by denying her. So she fell back to sleep, until now. I can sense her. That's why I sent you this dream. So you can meet her. Her name will be revealed to you when she wakes up." Cora said as she extended her wings, readying herself to fly away.

"Wait, Cora, no. Don't leave. What do you mean by all this? I don't have a wolf. Cora?" I said as she flew away.

"Cora, wait. Come back!" I called out after her as she flew away, leaving me feeling the suspense of her revelation.

Could I really have a wolf?

I have heard dad and grandpa talk about humans turning into werewolves. Though, I have never seen one in real life. But, it's impossible. I'd have to belong to a pack to be a werewolf. Unless- dad or grandpa were rogues.

"Emily? Emily, babe." I felt someone lightly shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes.

Tyler sat by me with a smile on his face. He looked so handsome.

"Good morning sleepy head. We fell asleep all night on the couch. I have to get to work. Why don't you go upstairs and relax on the bed for a bit longer. I'll get breakfast ready for both of us, and bring it up." He said smiling.

"Ok," I said in a whisper. I was still feeling dumbfounded by Cora's words. She'll wake up soon.

What will Tyler think of me when he finds out about this? He'll probably hate me and think I'm a freak, a monster. Whatever happens, I have to tell him.

Before she wakes up.


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