You're It For Me

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I sped through that loose gravel road with a smile on my face. Though I was still emotional. Don't know why I've been a wreck lately, but I feel overwhelmed most of the time.

Ty has to no choice but to learn to deal with it, of course. He's everything to me; I love how he makes me laugh, he makes me feel good, and protected. I look forward to him coming home every day if that makes sense.

My days are good, I do a lot, besides helping Miss Tammy clean. I love spending time in the herb garden and raised beds he set up for me. Growing my own herbs is relaxing to me, and they make my meditation oil making so much better. God, what was I thinking? Wes is right... I can't just give up on us. I have to fight for him, for us.

I don't know what I was thinking running off like that. I tried to distract myself from allowing my emotions from getting the best of me. "Cora will love you Amethyst. She's so wonderful, and so much like you. She's funny and smart, loves to learn and study new things." I smiled as I ranted on about Cora.

"I'm sure I will love her. She seems promising, and as long as she's looking after you, I will get along just fine with her. You're my main priority, Emily. I was created for you, and to help you not just find your mate, but to help you fulfill your destiny. You and I are one. And together, we have to protect our mate and be with him to complete our mating bond. You're going to do just fine in the Primord pack."

I smiled at her words. I've heard many legends of wolves, and stories of bad alpha's and how werewolves are cold, ruthless, and savages that only create mayhem and destruction. Ty and this pack have shown me that I was wrong. They are much more, and I could not have been more proud of who he is.

"They are strong, powerful, and not many dare to face them. But they are also caring, Nobel, trustworthy, and many have become great friends. I don't just say it because he's my mate, Amethyst, but he truly is amazing." I said giggling as I sped back to the house.

She giggled at my admiration for Ty, "Yeah, right. So are you saying it has nothing to do with the fact that the mating bond isn't tying you to him? Yeah, sure Em." I giggled at her words. If my mom thought I was sassy, it's because she hasn't met Amethyst. She is worst than me. "Ok, well, I'm still fairly new to all this... But, I love him Amethyst. Call it what you want. When I'm with him, I feel as if my whole body ignites, and electric sparks surge through me. It's... I can't... I can't describe it, but it just feels so good when he touches me. I love it." I say as I nod my head slightly, reminiscing at all the little gestures he does to make me feel good.

I look forward and get freaked out, stepping on the brake frantically as I see a big black and brown wolf in front of me. I know that wolf, and I know that scent. I can feel a huge knot build up on my throat as I quickly place the car into its parking gear and turn off the engine, get out quickly, and run towards him. My hands engulf him with a tight hug, feeling his warm-soft fur.

"Asher," I whisper as I break down in front of him, Tyler had shifted to his wolf, he had come to find me. "Ash, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I ran, I'll never do it again, I promise." I said as he sat on his hind legs and pressed his head lower, making me feel his snout by the back of my head. I slowly feel Ty shift back, and his hands slowly embrace me, tightening his grip around my waist and pulling me flush against him.

"Don't ever leave me again, Em. Don't you get it? You are it for me. I love you, no one else." he says as he pulls slightly away and cups my face in his strong rugged hands. "I know, and I'm sorry. I felt... Intimidated by their presence, I felt I wasn't good enough for you. But I know now... I want to be with you, Ty. I do, I want to be with you and no one else." I replied, placing my hands over his hands.

His lips pull up slightly into a smile and place a soft feather-like kiss on my lips. "I'm sorry too. I should have paid more attention to you. I didn't want to seem rude in the conversation that I didn't interrupt, but, I should have made you my priority. Because you are my priority. I'm sorry, Em."

"See...he is so perfect, isn't he? God, he is so hot... And Ash! My Gawd! Can he be any more stronger? Did you see those hind legs?" I couldn't resist but let out laughter at Amethyst's words. She truly is something else. "Shut up, Amethyst," I replied through our mind link. She chuckled and sneered back, "Relax, he can't hear me until he marks you, and even then, he won't be able to hear me if you block him out of our conversation. You'll learn to do that soon enough babes."

"Well, lucky for you... Ash and I are all your girls. ALL YOURS." he says making my mouth gawked open, he lifts his finger, closing my mouth and placing a kiss on my lips. " did you?" Amethyst asks.

"I'm a Primord, baby. We have better abilities than any other wolf, and once we mark each other... All those abilities will be passed down to you. You will become a Primord as well. This is why Harou and Hope we're intimidated by you. You are more powerful than you think, Em. And once I mark you, you will become more powerful because you will have my powers partially passed down to you."

"What's the difference? I mean, I can sense the aura from the ladies back in our pack, some seem stronger than others, but none like you, Selene, even Blake. Why is that?"

He chuckles, lowering his head and giving me an amused look. "My mother is none other than Artemis, the guardian of our Goddess Selene's realm, which makes me as well as Selene not just werewolves, but demigods.

My mouth gawked openly at his revelation. This was too much for me. I can barely handle all these changes, now I'm finding that I'm mated to a primord-wolf slash demigod? Holy mother of pearl. He chuckles, nodding his head and wrapping his arms around me. "I know, it's a lot to take in. Believe me, I had it rough processing all this too. But, it is what it is. Come on, Selene said we have to go back. She has a surprise for us, and if I know my sister, you don't want to keep her waiting."

We got back in the car and he drove us back. Everyone was still inside the party as if nothing had happened. Which, in part, I'm glad. I would hate to know I caused Ty embarrassment by taking off like that.

"Are you ready?" he says as he reaches out for my hand, and helps me out of the car. I take a long sigh as I glance from the party to see him. "I am, let's go," I respond, grabbing his hand and smiling.


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