Inside Job

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I stood by the crib, looking at a sleeping Alarick. My young boy was finally sound asleep, while one of the omegas feeds my little Molly.

I close my eyes, trying to fight back tears. I have to be strong for my pups. They will have a long road ahead without their mom, and me, without my mate.

I still can't believe my precious wife is gone. The pain I felt in my heart from losing her doesn't compare to the agony my body went through when the mating bond broke. I don't care what anyone says, she will always be my only one, and I will stay faithful to her. Even after death.

I couldn't help but notice there was a lot of commotion outside. I ran my hand through Alarick's back, then went and kissed Molly on her head as I went outside to see what was happening.

Warriors and guards were pacing, gearing up for what looked like combat. They wore black cargo pants, long sleeve shirts, and camo boots along with bulletproof vests and full armor with weapons. This pack was fully prepared. I've heard they all train n0t only to fight to the death with their wolves, but they are highly trained. Military mercenaries got nothing on these guys, even girl warriors were gearing up, looking deadly.

A young omega paces in the back of one of the warriors, pleading with him, "Promise me... Promise me you'll be careful!" she says, hugging him tightly around his torso. "Baby, I promise. I will be back before you know it. Alpha will not let anything happen to us, you know that!" he says, holding her tightly around her shoulders.

"Ok. You better come back. I trust you... But our baby needs you. I don't want to raise him on my own. We need you. I need you." she says getting teary-eyed.

I couldn't help but sigh. I needed to do something. My pack is strong, and I know we can help. I need to go with them, lend a hand. It's the least I could do for all the help they've given me and my pack.

"No. Alpha Lucian, you need to stay and recover. It's only been a few days, you need to heal." alpha Blake suggested, but I continued to push the thought.

"I don't need healing, I'm completely recovered. But if you're saying they want Hope, then I need to go with you. I am not going to let her go. She needs to pay for what she did. I won't let her get away that easily." I demanded, my wolf, Enzo threatening to merge.

Alpha Blake sighed, looking at his beta, Tyler. "Look, I know how you're feeling. She took my mate fr0m me, and now they have yours. With the advantage that you may recover Emily. I will never have my dear mate back. Ever! I need to join you. Hope is mine. I swore to my luna and my pups that I would take my revenge, and if it has to be today, then so be it."

"You know this is dangerous, right? Your pack has already lost their luna, what if they lose you?" alpha Blake asks.

"They will recover. My beta will take charge as alpha until my son is grown up to take over the pack. "That is too risky, Alpha Lucian." beta Tyler adds.

"I don't care. I've made up my mind. I am going with you."

"And so am I!" a voice of a woman says, making all of us turn.

Alpha Blake's luna, Selene stands at the door, fully dressed in armor as well and ready to fight.


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"No. No! Selene, you are not going!" Alpha Blake says, walking towards her. "The hell I AM! She is my sister-in-law, and that bitch has her. If Harou thinks I am going to let this slide, he has another thing coming. No one messes with my family." she says, pushing alpha Blake with her index on his chest.

"Baby, no. What about our pups? What if something happens to you?"

"He's right, sis. I don't want anything happening to you either. I won't let Harou get away with this. He will pay for hurting Emily. I promise you that." Beta Tyler adds, his wolf growling as his eyes turn dark.

"And you should. Rip his damn throat out. But- I am still going." she says, making alpha Blake growl.

"Don't you dare growl at me? I'm one of the best warriors and you know it. He messed with my sister and our pack, I am not going to stand around with arms crossed Blake. I'm going." she says turning and leaving as she swings her rifle over her shoulder.

"Was that... The new M16 assault rifle she carrying?" I asked, impressed by her choice of weapon. Alpha Blake smiles proudly, nodding his head as she walks away.

I whistle, nodding my head. "That's a beauty right there," I say, referring to the rifle.

"Yup. She always goes for the best toys. Well, I guess if we're ready then, let's roll out." alpha Blake says as Beta Tyler straps more ammo cartridges on his side pockets and grabs his own rifle, shotguns, and a 9mm berretta on his side holster.

He then turns, throwing a change of clothes, along with a best and belt for my weapons. "Best to hurry, alpha Lucian. No time to waste."

I quickly gear up, throwing weapons and guns in every pocket. Then I see the big bang babies. They had boxes filled with grenades, so I quickly grabbed a couple, placing them in one of my pockets, "Just in case." I say, then 9 turned, sighed, and left to join them.

"Alpha, something happened." gamma Liam comes running toward us.

"What now?" alpha Blake says, walking with him.

We make our way to the cell where they were preparing Hope to transport her. There were two warriors slaughtered and three Lycans that had been beheaded. Hope was being restrained by two warriors as she began to struggle in their hold.

"They tried to free her. We caught them in time, but, we were too late to save them, boss." Liam says as alpha Blake growls.

He walks in front of Hope and grabs her chin forcefully. "I swear to you Hope, that by the end of today, you and your daddy will pay for what you did. No one, but I mean no one touches my pack. You're going to wish you never crossed paths with me." he says pushing her chin away, making her whimper.

"What is taking so l..." Luna Selene says as her eyes go wide as saucers. "You bitch!" she says as she sees Hope. She walks to her, punching her in the face with full force, making her and the warriors tumble to the ground. Damn, luna Selene surely has a deadly punch.

She continues to punch her, standing up and kicking her repeatedly as Hope cries out and tries to cover her face.

"I told you I'd kick your ass one of these days, bitch." she says as alpha Blake grand luna from around her waist and holds her.

"This didn't just happen that easily, Blake. They couldn't have just come in without being noticed. This had to be an inside job, and we need to find who the fuck is betraying us." beta Tyler says, making alpha Blake growl menacingly.


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