Segregated Sadist

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"Do you, Emily Mitchell, take Tyler Slate as your lawfully wedded husband and mate? Do you promise to cherish him, honor him, and help him thrive as the beta of our pack, so help our goddess?" our lead elder spoke, making my eyes water as he continued to resight.

Tyler's eyes sparkled, a stray tear falling down his cheek and smile from ear to ear. "I do!" I say, making him choke up a bit. He sighed, trying to contain his tears. I can't say the same about myself; happy tears fell like waterfalls.

Then it was his turn; the elder reread the vows, "I do." Tyler says midway before our elder finishes, making everyone chuckle.

We exchanged rings in simple bands. His ring was a mixture of black gold and tanzanite. It had Viking runes engraved through the band in gold and finished with small amethyst stones through the band (Asher's idea).

My ring was a Blue Nile Asscher cut diamond band with amethyst stones in between each diamond. He slowly places the ring on me with trembling hands, and I do the same.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Slate; you may..." Ty reaches out, pulling me by my waist and claiming my lips. Everyone chuckles and bursts out in wolf howls and whistles.

Our wedding couldn't have been more perfect.

Kids ran around happily, and everyone continued to congratulate us. Words can't describe how happy I feel right now.
After pictures and congratulatories, we went to our reception and continued celebrating.

It's odd, though; I see all the packs here except for the Dark Moon. Maybe they had a different event to attend. Whatever it was, I hope they are ok.

I sat next to Ty. His hand was warmly resting around my shoulder as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear, making me giggle. Then his eyes went dark, as did Blake's. I glanced around and saw that most guys from our pack had their eyes darkened.

This could only mean one thing; they were mind-linking each other. I cupped his cheek when I saw him lower his head and sigh with his eyes closed. "Baby, what is going on?"

Blake casually stands up, clearing his throat and clicking his glass to get everyone's attention. "Attention everyone!" he says, getting everyone to quiet down. At the same time, all of our warriors and guards are already standing and taking off quickly. "Ty? What's happening?" I ask, concerned.

"I'm sorry, baby. We need to go. I will be back as soon as possible, I promise!" he says, standing up and kissing my lips.

"For the safety of our pack and everyone around, we must ask that you remain calm. Our lead female warriors will escort everyone to safety. All alpha's and their top warriors are asked to join us in battle." Blake says as my eyes widen in shock.

"What?" Chloe says, getting scared. I had to tell her about the existence of werewolves a few days ago, and to my surprise, she was ok with it. Primarily because she still hasn't seen us shifting in real life, but I guess she'll soon see it.

"The Dark Moon Pack is under attack. We must act quickly before things get worse," he says as everyone whispers and murmurs amongst themselves. "There is no time for any questions at this time. We must act quickly. Who's with us?" he asks, getting all the alphas to stand up and join him.

Before I know it, all of our warriors are getting ready, changing onto their wolves, and taking off. Ty shifts onto his wolf, and my eyes soften, almost wanting to cry when I see Asher in his place.

I run my hands through his fur and sigh. I cup his face and kiss his snout. "Ty, I'm not letting you do this alone. We're in it together now." he shakes his head in disagreement. "No. Em, no, baby, I can't let you go. Not this time."

"What? No. Baby, I need to go; I want to help."

"No, Em. You're staying."

"Ty? It's my obligation. They're our friends; I want to help."

"Em, I said no." I was getting irritated. How can he tell me I can't go along? I mean, I get it, we just g0t married, but I must help our pack fight.

Amethyst growled; she was unease as well. "Ty?"

"NO, EM! I already lost you once; I won't lose you again," he says, making me dumbfounded. What did he mean again?

Like a flash, he was gone, leaving me with most women and kids, along with a few guards ordered to protect us.


Lucian's POV
"Lucian Dannelly. You should give up now!" I hear the voice of my tormentor snicker as silver shackles strain my hands and feet. Wesley Slate has captured me along with his sadist girlfriend, Hope. She's an evil sadist.

I feel helpless not being able to help my pack. I'm unsure if anyone from my pack is still alive, and I fear opening my mind link to see if the omega guarding my pups is still alive. I can only hope that she has kept them safe.

But to my dismay, my eyes widen in shock as I hear the cry of my smallest pup, Molly. "Look what I found!" Hope says as she coos my daughter, running her finger with the extended claw along her cheek. "You psychotic, sadist bitch! Don't you dare touch her!" I sneer at her, making her look at me with a wicked smile.

"Now, now, alpha! You wouldn't want me to get startled and accidentally drop her on her head!... now, do you?" she says, making me growl. I yank on my shackles, but they don't budge. The silver burns my skin, but I could care less. I want my baby to be ok.

I don't see my son or the omega. My heart beats at a million per second as thoughts of so many possibilities come to mind. I can't be at ease until I know he is safe.

"Maybe this way, you'll learn to obey."

"You... You were supposed to help us get back on our feet. Train us properly, but I guess my wife's intuition was right; you're a wicked woman, Hope. A complete sadist!" she chuckles, throwing her head back.

"Hope, you said you'd leave the kids out. Why is she here? And where's the other one?" Wesley says, making her sneer at him.

"Stay out, Wes. If you'd done what I asked you, I wouldn't have had to come to these measures. Now deal with it!" she says, making him grunt.

His eyes darken, and his wolf threatens to merge.


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