She IS All I Want

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Third Person POV

Liam sits on the passenger's side of the convertible. He pushes his sunglasses up on the curve of his nose and bops his head to the music.

He places his elbow on top of the car door resting his head on his knuckles. Tyler sits in the driver's seat. His jaw clenches and his eyebrows narrow in frustration.

"Come on now man! You can't deny you wanna go in there and claim the girl. I can see right through you. She's your mate, isn't she? I think I did you the favor by asking her to be our guide for the days we gotta be here. Remember, Selene said you can't go back empty-handed. She wants to meet Emily." Liam chuckles and glances towards the window where Emily sits.

"Shut up Liam! Don't you think I want to? " He runs his hands through his hair and sighs deeply.

"She is so fucking beautiful! More than I remember. But I can't." Liam looks at him confused and shakes his head. "Why not Ty? Do you have any idea how lucky you are to find a second chance mate? I get it. You are scared that something may happen to her. But who better than you to protect her? She needs you, as much as you need her. I mean, do you really think you'll be able to stand going through the same pain of losing a mate again?"

He sighs, reminiscing on the time he first lost his mate under a rogue attack on his pack. Though they are one of the toughest packs in existence, they were attacked when he and Blake, Alpha of their pack were driving back from being away in business. By the time they got there, their territory was a complete war ground. He, along with Blake and the warriors that were inside their vehicles was able to elude them away and finish the war between the rogues who were trying to overtake their territory, but unfortunately, a lot of men and women had lost their mates that day. Ty had lost his mate as well.

It had only been a few weeks since he had found her. She had agreed to move to his pack and marry him soon and had finished the mating bond between the two. But their happiness was short-lived when he found her lying on the ground. Lifeless and covered in blood. He had a very hard time trying to recover from the pain his body went under from her loss. The pain was horrifying, something even he did not dare to wish upon any of his enemies.

He softly turns to see her. She looks at him, and then turns back to speak with Chloe, both standing and walking towards the counter.

"I can't deny I want to mark her and make her mine already Liam! But she's still human. She wouldn't understand the importance of a bond. If I do decide that being with me is the best for her, then I have to do things differently with her. I don't even know if this is the right thing for her. I have to think of her safety first."

Liam turns his body and lowers his sunglasses down his nose a bit looking at Tyler with his eyebrows narrowed, confused with his revelation.

Every wolf longs for a mate, even more, those who lose their mate and get a second chance mate. Only a fool would let a second chance mate go by.

Tyler turns on the car and speeds off towards the direction of the inn they had registered in. For now, the only thing that preoccupied him was to finish up the business Blake had given him. He just wanted to meet with the Mitchells, go over the plans, sign the contracts, and be on his way. But Liam was right. He wants to be with her, to make her his, and finish the mating bond. . . maybe even hope for a happily ever after. But the fear of losing her as well had him on edge.

He had to think of the circumstances, who she was, and more importantly. . . how would she react to the fact that he isn't completely human? Would she be able to handle the fact he is not just a werewolf, but also a descendant of Artemis and Orion? Orion, who was killed by Artemis' brother for the treacherous way he had impregnated her.

Tyler understood the wrath his mother was under and did not hold it against her for ordering her younger brother to kill her unwanted mate. But deep inside, he was afraid. What if Emily didn't want him either? What if this was his case as well? What if Emily rejected him?

His conscience haunts him, being able to invade someone's mind is power even he can't help but take advantage of. He knows it's wrong to lie to Emily, but invading her mind every night just to be able to be with her . . . even if it is, only in her dreams. . . is completely ludicrous. He knows it's wrong, especially since he makes her forget his face each night so that she can not recall who he is. Though he has tried to stop himself from coming to her balcony every night, he can't.

The love he has for her just grows more and more each time he sees her. He knows, his biggest battle would be to go back home this time, without her.


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