The Seed of Lies

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My blood was boiling as I walked away from Wesley's cell and out towards the women's section. Every woman had been served, except for Hope since the girls were scared of her.

The guard opened the heavy door, wearing gloves since it was covered in a coat of silver as well. He smiles, greeting me and vowing his head slightly. I smile in return and walk past him. "I won't be long," I say, making him smile.

"Do be careful, Mrs. Slate. We'll be vigilant in case you need us."

"No need. I doubt she tries anything."

"Still. You're our beta's mate, we need to take care of you," he says, placing his hand on the rifle hanging on the side of his right shoulder. "Thanks, Kev."

"Beta Slate knows you're down here. He warns you not to get too close," he says as his eyes darken, giving me the sign that Tyler is mind-linking him, giving him orders to keep a closer eye on me.

I roll my eyes and smile. "Will do. Thanks, Kev." I say, walking along to the end of the corridors. There weren't as many women as men captured, but there were many she-wolves and a few Lycans from Harou's clan that had fallen to Hope's orders. I scrunched my nose in disbelief.

These were all women that had conversed and acted so nicely in our territory not so long ago. They had even trained alongside us and had helped us to train the packs that our alpha had promised to teach us how to become better fighters. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Just being down here was giving me such a headache. I needed to do this quickly and get out of there. I was absorbing all of their bad energy, making me feel heavy and drained.

I finally got to Hope's cell. She had completely destroyed her bed. The bed frame had been bent and the mattress was nothing but shreds. The covers had been torn, and her appearance was a mess.

She had thicker chains like the men, and an added chain around her waist. I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked nothing like the sweet girl who smiled when she wasn't acting all jealous and tough.

I sighed, making her turn. She quickly tried to launch at me, making me step back. She laughs and raises her hands showing me her chains.

"Don't I look gorgeous, Em? What do you think? Chains suit me, don't they?" she says laughing, making me nod in disapproval.

"Why, Hope? Why did you do it? Didn't you have enough with the pack your dad was handing down to you? How could you? And not just that, but you dragged so many men and women with you, and for what?"

She laughs again, launching at me again, but her chains didn't give her enough space to reach me. Her hands were shorter, making her stop almost a foot before getting to the cell bars.

"Why? Why not? Those packs are weak. All pathetic excuses of alphas. They are not worthy of being called an alpha." she says angrily, turning and laughing again. "They weren't able to save their wives. Pathetic mates!" she says, tilting her head to the ceiling and closing her eyes.

"How can they lead a pack, if they couldn't even save their mates? Some coward away so quickly, they left their pack, defenseless. Serving it on a plate for me to take over. So why not?" she paced a few feet and sat on a little table left unharmed from her wrath.

"That isn't for you to judge, Hope. Not everyone is the same, and doesn't give you the right to take over them, leaving them hurt and defenseless."

"BULLSHIT! It gives me every right... Survival of the fittest darling! If you can't fend for yourself, then move the hell away for someone else."

"You're so greedy for power aren't you? You tried to get your way, and not just by force, but by dragging everyone else with you. Killing and hurting everyone else that stood in your way." she laughs again, sees her tray of food, and rolls her eyes. Her eyed then travel to my left hand and she becomes silent. She looks away, silently, but her face fills with an angered expression.

I don't she's looking at my ring, and I know for a fact she wants Tyler, not caring that she already has a mate.

"You know Wesley is a great guy, Hope. If only you hadn't corrupted him like your evil heart."

"Wes is a worthless mate. Like you! I need a man that isn't easily manipulated, someone strong, and powerful. He's disposable, and I'll make sure I get rid of him once I'm through with him." she says nonchalantly.

"I can't believe you, Hope. You underestimate everyone, you know that? You're using Wes, and lying to him about being in love with him to get your way!"

She scuffs, standing on her feet. "I'm n0t the only one lying to my mate sweetie," she says, making me look at her baffled by her words.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you ask Ty? He's not as innocent as you think either."

"I don't believe you. Ty would never be unfaithful to me,"

"No. Perhaps not. But he is lying to you."

"You're unbelievable. You're pathetic Hope. You really think I'll believe what you're saying?"

"You don't have to! See for yourself, Ty is holding a big BIG secret from you, sweetheart. And you have no clue!" she says, laughing.

I don't believe her, and ill be damned if I let her plant her evil seed of doubt in me. She's full of it, I just know it. She's mad because she was stopped before getting away with all the shit she was doing behind everyone's back.

"Whatever. I don't buy it. You're full of yourself, Hope." I say, making her roll her eyes.

"Suit yourself... But, if you really want to know the truth, you can always make a remembrance spell. Unlock that pretty little mind of yours and see what you can't remember! Why do you his face was so familiar, almost deja vu when you met each other? Coincidentally, maybe? Fate? Or maybe you already knew him beforehand? Then again... Why did you forget who he was, and thought you were meeting for the first time?" she says making me become confused.

Ok, so maybe... When I met him, I felt as if I did know him. We instantly clicked, but it was because of the mating bond. Wasn't it? It had to be the mating bond.

I decided I had enough. I wasn't going to fall unto her damn trap.

"Go to hell, Hope. Just because you fucked up your relationship, doesn't mean I'll let you do the same with mine. Ty is mine, and he will always be mine. Deal with it." I say, turning on my heels and walking away.


"Hey!" she yells after me, but I continue to ignore her.

"Give me my fucking food, you stupid mutt!" she yells, but I continue to ignore her.

I was filled with anger. She hadn't exactly been aggressive with me, but if she thought I was going to break my bond with Ty, she was wrong. I was not going to fall for it. Ty loves me, and I know it. He would never keep something like this from me. If we had met before, he would have told me. I would have known. We would both have known because we were destined to be together.

Yet... My heart felt a pang inside, and amethyst was angry that I hadn't allowed her to come out to rip Hope into shreds.

"Don't listen to her, Em. She's just trying to get under your skin. Ash and Tyler would never do such a thing." amethyst says, making me close my eyes and fight back angry tears as I made my way to the exit of the women's cells. The guard saw me fighting tears, looking at me with concern, but e remained quiet, for which I was grateful for.

I needed to see Tyler. I need his warm embrace to make this eerie feeling go away.


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