Malice Behind The Curtain

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Tyler and I rushed to the pack's hospital, but Selene had beat us to it. By the time we got there, she had already given birth. The twins had arrived, and they were beautiful. She had given birth to a handsome baby boy and a beautiful princess.

Selene was lying down in her hospital bed, glowing beautifully. Blake held his twins, one in each hand. His eyes gleamed with joy as he looked at us, his eyes threatening to cry. "Aren't they gorgeous?"

I looked at them with loving eyes. Just seeing them made me feel all kinds of happiness inside. Our pack's future Alpha had finally arrived. "So, what are their names?" I said as I hugged Selene, congratulating her. "Blake and I decided on Kaiden for our handsome prince and Lilith for our beautiful princess," she says as she looks toward them.

"Thanks for coming, Emily

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"Thanks for coming, Emily. You were right; I was worried about giving birth for nothing," she says as she squeezes my hand. I smile, placing my hand over hers, "I'm just glad the three of you are ok." I add, making her smile.

"Watch his head, asshole. Or I'll bite your head off." Blake says as Ty holds baby Kaiden making us chuckle. "Don't yell at me, bitch. Just because you're my alpha doesn't mean you can yell at me. I'll kick your ass like I used to back in elementary." Ty shouts at Blake, making Selene and I chuckle.

"My God, I still can't get used to seeing these two argue like dumb teenagers," Selene adds, making me chuckle. "Hold his head." Blake scolds Ty, pointing to the baby.

"I am. Stop yelling; you're going to make the twins cry," he says, kicking Blake on his shin.

The twins begin to cry, making Selene and I both close our eyes and burst into laughter. "See? See what you did? You woke them up!" Blake begins to freak out, cradling baby Lilith. "Me? You're the one yelling, fucker!" Ty says, imitating Blake's moves as they try to calm the twins. "Oh, yes... This is going to be fun." Selene adds as I take one twin, handing the baby to Selene, and then take the other one, and we calm the babies until they fall back to sleep.

It wasn't long before word got around, and everyone begged to see them. I wasn't used to seeing she-wolves give birth. I had only seen the ladies in my town, and so, it threw me off that by later that day, Selene was ready to go home. She looked like she was in absolutely perfect health. And the babies were absolutely adorable.

When we arrived, the pack had already gathered around to give a grand welcome to the twins. They were showered with gifts and blessings by the elders. I felt a tingling in my hand and was unsure why until my aunt, Emma came.

"Don't question your intuitions, Emily. Our ancestors are asking you to bless these babies. Follow your gut. Anoint the twins with a blessing of your gifts." she says as she holds my hand and looks at the twins.

This was new to me, but I knew I had to do it. I held my hand over the baby's heads and closed my eyes. I said a blessing for them in my head, asking our goddess to bless them. When I opened my eyes, I was in shock. The baby's eyes glowed for a few seconds as they received the blessing from our moon goddess. She had used me as a vessel to bless the new additions to our pack.

It felt good to be of service to my pack. But little did I know that this was only a pathway to new challenges.

I could feel eyes on me. Eyes that I knew were only mechanizing on my dismay. Hope was planning something against me. I know it. I can feel it.

Hope's POV

(later that night)

"I am sick and tired of this waiting. I need you to take her out." I stood naked by my window. All this time, I have longed to be with Tyler. He is who I want as my mate, and I don't care that our goddess has partnered him with a mutt. She's worthless, weak... She doesn't deserve him.

I found my mate a few months ago, but neither he nor I want to be tied together. Still- our mating bond calls us to become intimate, but that is all we will ever be.

No one knows of this, and they will never find out. As long as I can keep it a secret, everything will be just fine. Our sexual pleasure is only so that neither one becomes weak, but I refuse for him to mark me. My neck will only have one marking, and only Ty will have that privilege.

"I already told you. It's not the time. Blake's pack is too powerful. And they will not stand for an attack on any member. Unless you're waiting for a war to happen." my poor excuse of a mate says, making me grunt inwardly.

"What good are you to me if you can't even give me the minor tasks I am asking of you? You're pathetic, useless! Just like Emily." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I hate her. Everything was going to plan before she came. Why didn't you get rid of her the day she arrived? She was weaker then. Her stupid wolf was still asleep. I should have gone after her the day she tried to leave. I could have ripped her damn throat then. But then you had the bright idea that I should allow Ty to go after her and convince her to come back." I grunted, punching the wall and making a dent on the wall.

He walks behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I hate that his stupid touch creates sparks on my body. This isn't fair. I should feel this way when Ty touches me, not from this imbecile. His wolf is just as pathetic, nowhere near how strong Ty and Asher are. Sure, he's smart and cunning, but he lacks the strength I need to make my pack strong.

"Will you relax? It will happen. All in its due time, I promise. And when it does,"

I rolled my eyes, pushing his arms away from me. His naked body close to me makes me sick. "I will do my part as we agreed. You make sure you do yours. Got it?" I demanded, pushing on his chest. He had a beautiful heavenly body; I'll give you that, but I need more than physical attraction and a mating bond. For now, I had no choice but to settle on him to satisfy my insatiable desires.

He pulls me back, clashing our bodies together, making an involuntary moan escape my lips. His rugged hand cups my cheek, slowly tracing my jawline. He grips my hair tightly, crashing his lips on mine. I try and pull away, but he's already awakened my arousal again, making me wrap my legs around his waist as he pulls me up.

I don't know how much longer I can take this, but if he doesn't do anything soon, then I will have to deal with Emily on my own. Tyler will be mine, one way or another.


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