She Knows

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I walked toward my house, excited to give Emily good news. The project I have been working on in Dubai is finally finished. I am now the owner of two large hotels in Dubai and have managed to successfully save enough for a lifetime for the two of us.

I'm excited, to say the least. I can't wait for us to start a family. It makes me hyped just imagining her with a round belly, caring my pups in the near future.

"Em? Baby, at you in here?" I yelled for her. The house smelled like her, but I can't sense her.

Mrs. Tally was in the kitchen, putting stuff away in the refrigerator. "She went out a while ago, sweetie. I'm guessing she'll be back soon," she says smiling.

"Did she say where she was going?" I asked, getting her to shrug her shoulders. "No, sweetie. I'm afraid not."

"Hey, Ty," Liam calls from the entrance, making me turn. "Yeah," I answered.

"They need you in the dungeon. She's causing trouble again," he says making me curse inwardly.

"Alright. I'll be there in five." I replied, getting Mrs. Tally to give me a pitiful look.

I still can't wrap my head around Hope's actions. She looked so honest, and I thought she was going to be a great leader, a great Alpha to her pack.

There aren't many women leading a pack, she had the great honor of being allowed to lead one. But she ruined it, making many fall with her, including my brother.

"Let Em I'm looking for her. I've been trying to reach her through our mind link, but I haven't been able to." I said, making her look worried.

"Maybe she's training with her aunt," she suggested. "I thought so too. She doesn't like being bothered when she's studying her spells or practicing. I'll go and check on her in a while. Thanks, Mrs. Tally." I said, smiling at her.

I made my way quickly back to the pack house and down to the dungeon. I was still pretty bothered by my brother. He got an ear full from my sister as well, but he really let me down by allowing himself to get manipulated by Hope and her malicious heart.

I went the other way around and went directly to the women's section. I could hear the yelling and the sound of crashing as things get thrown inside her cell.

"I said get the fuck out of my face. I want Ty. I don't want to talk to you! Get me, Tyler Slate. I am still an alpha, so you have to do what I say. Do you understand that, you imbecile?" she yelled at the guards, getting them to growl at her.

My boys know not to take any disrespect from anyone without authority, and because of what she did, she held no authority over our pack.

"Don't test me. I'll rip your head off, you dumb mutt. I am way more powerful than any of you. How fucking dare you growl at me?" she continued to mouth off. I came closer, enough for them to see me.

"Stand down," I said making them retreat. They stood on guard, getting out of defense postures and looking at me and sighing.

"Ty, she keeps defying us. We're trying to move her to a different cell to clean up here, but she is just not cooperating with us. Look at this mess. She ripped up another mattress. This is her third one and she's barely been in here for four days." One of the guards stated, making me sigh.

They weren't kidding. The place was a complete mess. She had ripped up the mattress, torn the blankets, and the walls were covered in food. The floors were covered with mess as well, coated with mashed-up food and drink. "Open the cell," I said, standing by the door.

"But, sir!"

"It's fine. Open it. I can handle her."  I said, making them look at each other in concern. They carefully opened it and allowed me to go in. "We'll be on guard sir," they said as they closed the gate without locking it and went about their business.

I moved debris from the bed, pushing things out of the way, and sat on the small portion of the mattress left on the bed. "Hope. What are you doing? What were you thinking? This isn't you." I said calmly, getting her to calm down a little.

"You have no idea who I am, Ty. And you never will, because you chose her over us."

"What are you talking about? There was never an us. I love you Hope, but not the way you think I do. I love Emily. She's my mate. It's who I was meant to be with."

"Bull shit. I know there is more to us. We could be good together, Ty. But you never gave us a chance. You had already let her go. Why did you have to go back for her, why?" she was getting angry.

I felt pity for her. She had a great mate, and she has a great pack, but she was blinded. Blinded by her own ego and selfishness.

"No, Hope. You and I could never be. My heart has always been Emily's. I have loved her since the day I met her. I kept it away because I thought it was the right thing to do. But I just can't. I love her far too much. If you just allowed yourself to be loved by my brother and shared the same feeling with him, you'd know how special it was."

She began to laugh. Her eyes turned dark. "Well... We'll have to wait and see if she wants to keep being with you though. Now that she knows the truth." she says standing up and walling by the door.

My heart sank, and I quickly stood up, grabbing her neck and spinning her against the wall. "What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded, tightening my hand around her neck, and making her choke.

"I...told...her...the truth."

"What truth? You know nothing, Hope." she began chuckling, struggling to breathe as I tightened my fingers around her neck.

My wolf Asher was becoming impatient. He had felt something wrong earlier, but I brushed it off. I should have listened to him. "You think I don't know. Wesley told me all about your memory blocks in Emily's poor little brian. Poor thing, she probably thinks you didn't want her." she says chuckling before I begin to choke her more.

Her eyes went wide, and she began to panic as tightened my grip. My eyes went dark, Asher fought me for dominance.  "Finish her, or let me do it. If Emily leaves, I swear I will kill her," he says, making me growl.

"For your sake, Emily better still be in our territory, because if anything happens to her, I will personally snap your fucking neck, and believe me, I won't be so gentle," I spat, letting go of her neck.

She coughed, holding her neck as she hunched over on the floor. I threw the cell door and ran out, letting the guards take care of her as I hurried to look for Emily.

I need to find her. I need to explain to her. Tell her the truth. The reason why I had to leave her two years ago. Nothing made me as happy as the day I first saw her. I have never forgotten about her. There hasn't been a day I don't worry about her.


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