Let's Play

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I continued to fight, punching a lycan across his face as he tried to claw me on my chest, but I was able to push him away, hitting him across his face with a punch.

"God, I'm glad dad talked me into karate lessons. It's much easier to kick your ass." I said, grunting as I kicked him on his jaw, and jabbed my knee into his stomach, making him fall back.

But he was reluctant to get to me. He growls as he hits the wall behind him. His eyes fixed on me with a menacing growl.

He launches again, but Asher catches him in mid-air. His canines dug into the Lycan's ribs, making him shriek as I hear the cracking of his ribs.

Asher then goes for his jugular and rips his throat.

The adrenaline surged through my veins, but it was still pretty gruesome to watch, so my eyes turned away as I felt the pit of my stomach churn from the right of blood and exposed insides.

We finally get closer to the exit, and I can see Hope and Selene fighting right through the window close to me.

She hits Selene on her leg, making Selene tumble over to a car behind them, making her hit her back against it.

Selene's katakana is still tight around her hand, swinging it as a female lycan launches at her. She slices through the Lycan's chest like butter, making her cry in pain.

But Hope is playing dirty, I can tell as she grabs another lycan nearby and throws her against Selene before she launches herself toward her.

Selene bends, catching her breath, and holding onto her knee for support right before the other lycan is thrown her way. Luckily, she moves aside, and then I see Hope, launching herself toward her.

I can't help wanting to use my powers to tear Hope apart, but I'm too far, and too many fighting bodies are near us. I need to get out of this building and fully out there to stop her once and for all.

Selene grabs her from under her arms and turns her body, throwing her over her shoulder and making Hope fall flat on her back, causing her to grunt. "Yes, get her, sister!" I say and turn quickly as a lycan girl comes launching my way.

I am done playing the nice girl. "Let's kick it up a notch!" Cora says, making Amethyst agree with excitement.

I lift my hand, using my witchy powers, and throw her, causing her to flop back against the door.

The door bursts open and my eyes gleam with excitement. "It's time to go play, Ash. Let's get them." I say, and Ash jumps out first, heading straight to where our alpha, Blake is fighting with Harou. He has his hands around his throat, and there is fear in Harou's eyes as he struggles to breathe.

"Ho-ope... I'm coming for you, bitch!" I say, laughing mockingly as I see her face turn pale.

No one... And I mean no one messes with my family or my pack.


Selene slowly slices through my left palm and then does the same with hers.

It stings like a mother, but I can take it.

She joins our hands as our blood combines in a sisterly bond ritual.

"There, now we are both linked together as well. Your blood runs through my blood. And my blood runs through your veins. We are forever linked as sisters. If anything happens, you will have the power to use my katana. Let's just hope you never have to, though." She says, smiling.

Hope's face turns red with anger, grabbing Selene's katana from her back as Selene fights with another lycan and slices her leg from behind. "You, which!" I yell, making me angry.

I'm not letting this slide. I let Coratake over, and I feel a slight shift as she takes over. I still look like myself, but Cora's aura surrounds my body, and she is fully in control.


I lift my hands slightly, and slowly. The sky turns gray, forming clouds, and loud rumbles are heard from the lightning and thunder I'm creating.

I command the winds to strike a lightning bolt toward Hope, making her fall flat on her behind as the bolt smashes her. "No more Mrs. nice girl. Now you'll see who I really am." I say making her fearful. I lift myself off the ground, levitating a few feet off the ground and making everyone in my path fly as the mass of energy pushes them out of the way.

Everyone looks at me in horror, unable to believe their eyes, including Selene. All... Except for Asher, as he looks at me with pride in his eyes.

"I hear you wanna play? So let's play!" I give Hope a deadly stare and stand in front of her. My fire-like aura scares her, and it makes me glad. I'm tired of seeing this bitch pushing Emily around as if she owns her.

"You're... You're part of..." she stutters, making me laugh.

"The lineage of the Phoenix. That's right. My name is Cora." I say as I grab her by her collar, making her look at me in fear.

"And don't you ever forget that name. And this face- will be the last thing you see." I say as I grit my teeth, and toss her harshly against the same car she had tossed Selene against.

She falls onto her knees and hands, staggering for breath. She slowly stands, looking at the ground as she slowly shifts onto her lycan again, ripping her clothes to shreds as her arms and legs elongate. Her canines expose as she growls and slowly looks at me.

I crack my neck and give her an evil smile back. Lifting my hand and gesturing for her, "Come at me bitch. Time to play!" I say, making her yell in anger.

We begin to fight. She punches me in the face, and I punch her back. She tries to kick me, but I catch her foot, elbow her on her leg and punch her as she falls back.

I get on top of her, punching her in her face, again and again, and again until she throws me off, scratching me on my arm.

She tackles me, making me fall back, but I kick my feet against her legs and toss her over my head, making her fall flat on her back.

"You're dead meat, you stupid mutt. You should have stayed in that hill-billy town of yours. Tyler is mine!" she says making me angry.

"Tyler will never be yours. And Wesley..." I say, averting my sight to the back of her as a smile forms on my lips. "Wesley is a good man, Hope. You should have been good to him."

"Wesley is a loser. I never loved him. I only used him for our mating bond." she says with a shaky breath. "I needed to be stronger and his mating bond did the trick. Soon as I'm done ripping your head off and this damn war is over, I will make sure to end him as well." she says, unaware that Wesley is behind her.

My heart aches for him. Sure, he's made bad choices, and he's fucked up one too many times, but he's still my husband's brother. He's still family, and I hope he one day learns to be different. To love himself, and make amends. Maybe then, he'll be able to find a mate worthy of the great man he is.

Wesley's eyes are troubled. I can see a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes as he hears Hope's words.

Hope is ready to make another go at me, but soon as she launches herself, Wesley turns onto his wolf. A massive black and brown wolf launches himself at Hope, breaking her spine in half as. And all I can hear is a whimper-yell as she falls to the ground.

I'm unsure if she is dead or alive, but Harou howls as he sees her fall. He's in pain, and I can feel it, just as Wesley is.


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