Nothing Personal

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I groaned as I came back to. I felt like I was hit by a train. My head pounded and every part of my body felt as if in pain. As my vision came back, I realized I was tied to a chair, my clothes were dirty and I had blood stains on my shoulder and arms.

Since the day Ty and I marked each other and became official mates, I heal much faster, so whatever scrapes and bruises I had were already going away, but I can feel that my ribs were still taking a bit to heal. And since my hands were tied, I couldn't do a simple spell to heal myself.

"Boss, she's awake." I heard a voice, making me squint my eyes as I feel my head pounding, looking towards where the voice was coming from. There was a guy standing in the dingy room they had me in.

That smell, I know it. It was Harou's pack. I learned it far too well. Each pack has a distinct smell. You can tell also if it was a werewolf, lycan, or vampire, or any other creature. They all smelled differently. And this... This was definitely Harou's pack.

The door opened and Harou came in. His eyes looked cold and distant. Something inside him had changed.
"Well, well, well. We finally see sleeping beauty awake," he says, chuckling evilly.

I fidget, trying to get lost, but the more I fought, the more it hurt. It was like a stinging sensation, burning through my skin, making me agonize in pain.

He chuckles, nodding his head. He grabs a chair, and turns it, sitting on the chair with the backrest toward his chest as his legs are on opposite sides of the chair.

"Isn't it funny? I bet when you were a simple human, you had no worries about touching or wearing anything made of silver. But now, you can't touch a single damn piece without feeling that tingling burning sensation as it was through your skin!" he says, gesturing with his hands as he smiles.

"Why are you doing this, Harou? Why am I here?" I ask, not caring for the stinging sensation as I try to break myself free.

Amethyst is trying to fight her way out, but I don't know if it's the right thing to do right now. I don't want anything happening to us if I shift in front of Harou and goddess knows how many Lycans are out there.

"Why? Well, that's simple darling," he says, getting up and walking around the small room filled with a pungent smell of dead carcasses and filth, mixed with the scent of lycans.

"Your mate and your Alpha have my daughter. Me heir, and my future pack's alpha," he says, stating the obvious as he holds his hands out in a cross position.

"I want her back!" he says, looking at me, shooting daggers at me as if Hope's decisions were my fault.

"See... My first thought was, why not kidnap their luna and kill her if they don't want to comply, but see, the thing is," he says as he folds his left hand, placing his right elbow over it as he taps his chin with his index.

"My daughter needs a strong leader at her side, and if it wasn't for you who decided to pop into our lives, maybe Ty would have considered my offer to marry Hope and become his chosen Alpha. But no... You and that dimwit, Wesley had to come into the picture and ruin it all!" he says, getting angry.

His eyes turn red, making me look away and close my eyes as he gets close to my face. "Don't take it personally, Emily, but... I just gotta do what's best for my daughter and the future of my pack!" he says, as he pulls away, smiling.

The door opens, and his wife comes in looking frantic. "Harou. Please, sweetie. Don't... Don't do this!" she pleads with him, making him turn angrily toward her.

"Candace, what the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay home. I will deal with it." he says, making her take a step back. It was evident she was scared of him. The facade of him being a loving, caring husband was finally starting to unveil.

"I...I. There has to be another way. There just has to be. Please, Harou, Emily is a nice girl. She doesn't deserve this!"
"Well neither did my daughter!" he spat at her, making her jump as she gets frightened again.

"My daughter had to grow up in that hell hole we were stuck in for thousands of years. She could have had a good life, a normal life, finding a good mate for herself. Not get stuck with the fucking rogue king for a mate. Do you know how weak that makes us look?" he furrows his eyebrows, eyes turning red with anger as he]is lycan wolf threatens to merge.
"Wesley is a good man, Harou. He's strong and protective. He'd do anything for Hope. He loves her." I say making him turn angrily. He then chuckles and gets closer to me as I pull my head back as feel him far too close to me.

"Good man? No Em. Harou is, is a low-life coward who ran from his own father after he tried to steal his powers. He was so mad that he blessed Tyler and Selene with powers and not him that he tried to kill him in his sleep. Did you not know that?" he says, making me feel shocked.

Surely, that had to be false. Wesley would never do that.

"Go home, Can! I'll deal with you later," he says, making her look at me with concern. "If Ty does what I ask him, I may just let Emily go free alive," he says, making Candace close her eyes worried. She sheds tears, holding her hand over her heart as the guards pull her away.

"Nothing personal, Emily. But a man's gotta so, what a man's gotta do," he says as he punches me in my face, making me lose consciousness again.

"Ty, hurry... I need you, baby." I say as I slowly feel myself drift off again, but being able to open my mind link again just in time. I hope... Ty gets here in time.


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