The Grand Gala

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"Tell me more about the pack. Do the girls get to train in wolf form as well, or just guys? How long do you train them for? Is this why you get up before I wake up?" I bombarded Ty with tons of questions. I couldn't help it. I wanted to know everything to get to know him and the pack.

I certainly would have to train if they did allow girls to train, I mean... I have never trained other than martial arts when I was small, and when dad used to take me hunting, making me learn so many survival tactics. Mom used to teach me about the medicinal herbs I needed to remember, and occasionally, dad trained us in various martial arts besides the ones we were already taking. I was good... I was really good, but I wasn't sure what kind of training they did here, to make sure the pack was fully protected.

He checked, pulling me close to him. He was wearing a black suit with a white buttoned-up and a black tie. He hasn't let me do much for the last few days. He's very protective of me, doesn't like other men being near me. It's a little too much at times, he'll use his authoritative voice at guards and what he calls, runners from the pack when he sees them looking at me. I've learned that not all the guys here have found their mate. There are still a few who are mateless, and he kind of sea them as a threat since they are not marked.

Since my wolf hasn't fully awakened, he hasn't marked me yet. He says it will be too painful for me if he does it now. But my body has been feeling weird. I growled at a girl last time for smiling at him at a restaurant when we went to eat dinner with our alpha Blake and Selene. Yes... I also learned that our pack has an alpha, and to my surprise... It's no other than Blake and our Lina is my very own future sister-in-law, Selene. It was odd for me to go on a growling frenzy that day... I had never done that before.

But, Tyler thought it was funny and sexy. His words- not mine.

Today, we are headed to a gala to meet the blood moon pack and their alpha. I'm a bit excited, to say the least.

"All with time, baby. You'll be able to train with them once your wolf awakens, I promise. For now, don't worry about anything, other than staying by my side. The blood moon pack is our allies, but unfortunately, they have been roamed by rogue wolves lately. We don't know how the trip out there will be. So make sure to stay with me at all times, ok?" he says, taking me by my waist and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

I smiled and nodded, biting my bottom lip- and fixing his tie. "You look sexy in that navy dress by the way," he says, running h9s hands down my back, squeezing my butt. I squealed as he grips me right against him, making him chuckle. "Don't tease. We don't have time for a quickie right now."

He lifts me over his shoulder, making me chuckle, and throws me on the bed, hovering over me. "We do have time for a quickie, babe." I press on his chest, giggling.  "No, we don't. Because your quickest are always over forty minutes...if not longer." I say, making him growl. His eyes darken and he softly kisses my neck. I can never resist the kisses on my neck. Every t0uch of his on my body brings an electrical feel of ecstasy and lust. He makes my body want him more, craving for his touch.

I moan involuntarily, tilting my head back. I can feel a smile on his face, as I run my fingers through his hair. We soon become naked, and covered in sweat, making both of us take a quick shower again. Luckily, my hair was done, and I didn't get much sweat on it. I pinned my hair up, cleaned myself up, and had to get ready all over again.

By four in the afternoon, we got in the car with Blake and Selene and headed to the Blood Moon Pack.

We drove for a good two hours before getting there. They had guards protecting their territory just like we do. Their security was really good, but somehow, it seemed that our guards were more alert than they were. I could tell that our guards, along with Blake and Ty were linking each other. Their eyes kept turning dark, which happens each time they would mind link each other.

All this was still new to me, it was weird, and it would take me time to get used to, but it was still exhilarating. I was like a kid waking up in wonderland every morning.

We finally arrived at their packhouse. It was an immense structure, with massive pillars and a wrap-around porch, similar to our packhouse, but smaller. It was as if it was a mini replica of our packhouse, all along with the huge windows, and stairs. It was very beautiful indeed, but I was still much in love with our packhouse, our pack in general. I have learned to love every member and each section of our territory as if I had lived there my whole life.

"Beta Tyler, it's so good to see you again. Emily, good to see you." their alpha greeted me, making me pensive to the way he greeted me. It was as if he already knew me...though that would be preposterous, right? I have just now met him.

"Good to see you, Alpha James. Luna, Misty." Ty greeted them with a firm shake and a head b0w to Misty.

"Likewise, thank you," I added, giving b0th a smile. Luna Misty gestured towards the hall, where many were already gathering.

We made 0ur way in, and Ty introduced me to many of them as we went inside. I felt awkward, and I won't lie...most of my focus was on Ty. The way he m0ved, the way he talked, the way he smiled. I was feeling like a lovesick puppy by his side.  I can't wait to see what the n9ght brings. I'm sure that as long as I'm by his side, everything will be wonderful.


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