I - Audition

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You were proud to turn 24 today, even though you actually stopped caring about your age when you became 18, the legal drinking age back home, which was ironic since you are a non-drinking stoner...

You had arrived in Los Angeles just two weeks ago, through an international student's exchange program, with the goal of finishing your master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and all you had left to do was write your master thesis, to finally become an Engineer, and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, was your most pressing goal at the moment.

However, you knew that living in America would be very expensive, so you applied, even though without much expectation, to a bunch of pubs and cafes, near the area where your student's residence was, by sending cd's of your homemade recordings, hopeful to do weekly gigs since singing was always your secret way to make some quick cash on the side to support your very enjoyably fancy student lifestyle...

Right now, sitting at the bar of one very luxurious restaurant that accepted you for a live audition, you were taking in the environment of the space, very cleverly styled with a vast majority of bordeaux and spots of gold incorporated in the overall cozy design. You order your nonalcoholic beverage which makes the barman smile softly at you as he leaves, as of saying "well that's unusual" which you take proudly, used to having that reaction everywhere you went. And you are left to try and contain the nerves that keep flourishing in you, underneath the low lighting of the wide room, shining only on the big stage where everybody else's attention is on, precisely where you are about to go perform in half an hour. It is your first day, and you have so much to prove to all these people, but mostly, to yourself...

Hoping to relax a bit and breathing in deeply, you shift your focus to the people in the room, failing severely since you immediately start wondering if you are good enough to please such a famous and influential audience. Just when you thought you were done examining the room, you notice there is this extremely beautiful blonde lady sitting at the other end of the almost empty L-shaped counter, that divides the kitchen from the dining room where everyone was sitting watching the live music.

She is accompanied by, what seems like, a very close friend. You say friend because your gaydar went wild on him as soon as your eyes absorbed his energy and mannerisms. Your gaze drifts to her legs almost immediately, shaped by God if there is such thing, you think to yourself, and as your eyes keep moving upwards on her curves, well defined by an astonishingly tight purple dress that stands out in the dark neutral clothing of everyone else, you suddenly realize she is staring at your eyes too. Your gazes lock for a few seconds, maybe more than a few, certainly more than what you usually feel comfortable with, which is almost none, let's be honest, staring in someone else's eyes feels like intimacy to you. But you were in a trance, and she seemed like she was trying to figure out the reason why you were looking at her, that gaze was only broken by the announcing of the arrival of your drink.

- "There you go miss..."- The barman says taking a little longer than needed to deliver your soda. Watching and smiling more intensely at you, almost as if he is guessing your availability on the body language with which you would smile back.

- "Thank you!" – You say gently trying not to be rude, but not overdoing it, in hopes he'd get the message that you're not into him. Not that he wasn't shag material, but lately you just aren't into guys that much anymore...

You go to glance back at the stage, turning your back on the 'not giving in yet glance' from the barman, and as your eyes pass through her location, you realize she is still staring at you, and not your eyes this time. You feel goosebumps everywhere, and you turn to look away realizing there is absolutely no worst time for you to get more nervous than you already are. You try and keep your composure, not just because you really need this job, but also because you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of all these people.

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