Chapter 2 - That Bitch is crazy

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A/N: Some of you may have noticed the new cover. It's just a little something I cooked up from images off the internet. I don't own any rights to the images I just really liked them. 

Enjoy the new chapter. It's in Bram's POV and begins to explain his naïve reasons behind what he did to Jason.

I'm not entirely happy with this chapter, I wrote it really late last night.

Happy reading


"Faster, Bram. Don't wait for him to touch you, you need to attack first or you die." My father yells at me from his position at the perimeter of the clearing. My eyes are stinging from the sweat dripping into them and my muscles are protesting the lengthy training session. We've been at this for almost three hours now and I'm starting to tire.

I take my position again opposite Austin and we both crouch, circling each other and looking for weaknesses. Suddenly he lunges forward and I side step him, turning as I do so and reach out to catch hold of him. I roar as my arms band around him and pull him to the ground beneath me. I let my claws extend and press the against his neck without applying pressure.

"Good, that's better. Again!" My father yells.

I don't know how much more of this I can take without collapsing. I feel Austin's chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath and I stand up offering him my hand. "I think I'm dying." He grumbles.

I know how he's feeling but my father has always been strict on my training. As my future Beta, Austin has to train with me. It's long and torturous work leaves my body burning. I know that I'll be thankful for this someday and I've already learned to endure more than I could as a teenager and young boy. I've been training since I took my first steps. It started with fitness training as I couldn't be trained in combat until my change and advanced healing kicked in.

My first change had been excruciating, My body had literally broken, my bones reshaping themselves. The worst pain was to my face when my snout had grown and my skull had changed to fit the features of a wolf. Don't let the movies confuse you, we don't turn into giant hairy beasts. We stay the same size no matter our form since you can't suddenly find a greater or smaller mass. If you're a 200lb human then you're a 200lb wolf.

"Stop lazing about boys, get back into position." My father screams.

We both give each other a sympathetic look and go at each other again, and again. When Father finally calls quits to the session I heave a sigh of relief. My father has always been hard on me, I've understood why since I was to take over as Alpha once he stepped down. With the position came a lot of responsibilty. I was to look after the welfare of my pack and see to their health and happiness above my own. I would do all I could to protect them from rogues and attacking packs. I would also look over the small town we lived in. Wolf's Peak had been home to the Wolf Creek Pack since before my Great-Grandfather was born. It had been founded by my family and they had settled here with their pack who had taken their pack name from the little creek that still flowed behind my father's property.

I have lived with the weight of my responsibility for as long as I could understand them. It had been drilled into me long ago that my actions reflected back onto my pack, that lesson had come at a heavy price to one of my pack members. A member who still refused to return.

I had been an idiotic child, letting others build up my ego with their false friendship and eagerness to follow my every command. I had foolishly thought that I was some kind of god to my peers, I was above them and I could do whatever I wanted to. I had picked on the weaker members of our pack who attended my school. I'd seen the hero worship they had for me in their eyes and I had crushed it. I'm ashamed of the things I did and said. I'm ashamed of the boy I was. But it had all ended on that fateful day when I'd allowed Jason Anders to be beaten within an inch of his life. I'd tried to stop Kevin and James from their continued beating and kicking. I'd only wanted to scare the kid since I'd gotten in trouble over him.

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