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A/N: First I want to start by warning you that this is a scene involving bullying. I hated writing this scene and I wanted to make that clear from the get go. Also I really hope that it doesn't upset anyone too much, if it does please let me know and I'll do my best to change what I can. I tried not to be too graphic.

**Bullying is not cool! If you are being bullied or know anyone who is, please seek help.**

Okay I know it's not much to go on, but it's an idea I have for a story. Bram is coming off as a total you know what in this but time can change people and make them see the error of their ways some times.

What do you think? Should I write it or not? I don't really want to write something that readers won't be interested in.

I cowered away from the three big boys in front of me. They were all thirteen but tall and strong enough to pass for sixteen year olds. I was a puny ten year old that looked about seven or eight. I thought I'd become good at avoiding them, waiting in the bathroom until the bell rang and eating my lunch there too. But today they'd cornered me just before I could reach the stall and my lunch was now smeared all over the bathroom floor.

"I asked you a question, runt. Did you tell your parents that I was picking on you?" The biggest of the boys pushed against my shoulder and I winced at the pain now shooting through it.

I still had an old bruise there from the last time he'd found me. I couldn't wait until puberty hit and my change would finally happen, then my increased healing would finally take over. Until then though I was a human map of what bullies could do to you. Every inch of my torso has been bruised or cut at some point in my young life.

"N-n-no. I w-w-wouldn't tell. You told me n-n-not to." I stuttered. It was one of the reasons that they picked on me. They also used my hair colour as an excuse to bully me. I was the only red haired pup in our pack. And my size was against me. The main reason though was because Bram, the biggest of the bullies, was the Alpha's son and he could get the others to do anything he wanted. He was their future Alpha.

I'm the second son of the pack Beta and the runt of my parents family. I have no future place of power in our pack. I'm not even built like some of the other boys who will most likely become enforcers. My brother Austin is almost twice my size already and he's my older twin and the future Beta. He protects me from the bullies when he can but he's not here this time.

"Then why did your parents go running their mouths off to my father? I've been grounded for two weeks because of you." Bram punched me in the stomach this time and I fell to my knees with the force of the blow finding it hard to breath.

I couldn't answer him and this seemed to make him madder. I curled into a tight ball trying to protect my face and head as they rained their blows down on my tiny frame and shouted at me. I heard a crack and felt a searing pain in my chest before someone swore and I could hear feet running away.

I don't remember any more of that day but I was told later that one of the teachers found me unconscious on the bathroom floor and called for an ambulance. I had two broken ribs and a punctured lung. Luckily my arms had blocked the blows to my head so I didn't have a head injury, but I did have a fractured wrist.

My parents were beside themselves at what had happened to me. But they didn't know even half of what I've been through. Even Austin doesn't know.

The sad thing is that this all started on the day that I started school and tried to talk to Bram. Being the future Alpha, all the kids wanted to know him and be friends with him and I was no different. I didn't know what he was really like but now I do. I thank the fates that I was born second and I won't have to be his Beta. I don't even want to be in his pack.

I've begged my parents to leave here. There are other pack run towns where we can go, but my father is loyal to the current Alpha and to his responsibilities as the second in command. So I've been stuck here in Wolf's Peak, until now.

Now that my parents fear for my life I'm finally being sent away. I'm going to a boarding school two States away and if I have anything to do with it I won't be coming back.

Cry Wolf, Cry [Welcome To Wolf's Peak] (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now