Chapter 24 - Lost And Found

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Resuchan a self proclaimed crazed super fangirl! I love this girls comments in my inbox.

The question that you've all been asking either me, or yourselves, will be answered in chapter 25 ;)

There are another two or three chapters and an epilogue left in this story and then I'll be releasing the cover and introduction for Mouse's book.

Also, now that I'm finished my course I'll be updating twice a week. Sundays and Wednesdays. So check back for updates.

Jason's POV

I lay on the examination table holding Bram's hand. I'd refused to let go of him since he'd found me hours earlier. I had an overwhelming need to keep touching him in any way possible. At the moment we were waiting for Doctor Mason to hook up the ultrasound machine so we could see our baby and he could make sure that everything was fine. This was the first time we'd see our child since I'd been taken just days before we were due to have our first scan.

I'd already been checked from head to toe and been declared healthy apart from some issues with my weight. Of course since I'd barely been fed enough in captivity to keep me alive I was sure that was understandable.

I jumped when cold clear liquid was squeezed from a tube onto my distended tummy. Bram chuckled beside me where he was sitting in an uncomfortable looking chair and I shot him an unimpressed look. "We'll see how funny it is when it's your turn to have a baby." I informed him in complete seriousness. To say his smile disappeared and his face fell would be an understatement.

"Okay you two." The doctor scolded mildly. "If you look at the screen you'll see your baby."

Our heads turned in unison and my eyes watered as I saw the most beautiful sight on the tiny screen in front of me. I was more than half way through my pregnancy and I'd known that when I saw the baby that it would be fully formed. Now I was finally able to see the little one and I could already tell that it had Bram's nose and chin. I chuckled as I watched a little hand rise up and a finger enter my child's mouth.

"Baby is certainly a big one." The doctor said turning my attention back to him briefly. He was clicking at buttons on the keypad attached to the monitor.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked honestly lost when it came to pregnancy issues.

"Yes, Jason." He reassured me with a pat to the back of my hand. "It means baby is growing and developing just fine, despite what you've both been through. It also means that it'll probably be close to if not over nine pounds when it's full term. Now, would you like to know the sex of your baby?" He turned back to the monitor and began moving the wand around my abdomen again.

My mind was locked onto the fact that I would have to give birth to a nine pound baby. I may be having a caesarean birth but I still wasn't relishing the thought of it. Bram was definitely doing this the next time he wanted a child.

"Baby, do you want to know?" Bram asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked up at him trying to figure out what he was asking me.

"Do you want to know if we're having a boy or a girl?" He chuckled giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Oh." I looked over at the monitor again before looking back at him. "I don't know. Do you want to know?" My brain was still trying to catch up with everything that was happening.

Bram's eyes twinkled as he looked down at me. "I already know." He looked up at the monitor briefly before his eyes locked back onto mine. "The baby flashed me it's goodies on the screen." He raised our joined hands and pointed a finger at the monitor.

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