Chapter 25 - Revelations

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Bram's POV

As we stepped up onto the porch of the Mentis house I kept a tight hold on Jason's hand. I could feel the tremor running through him and I hoped that physical contact would help to sooth him, even slightly.

"Adrian." I raised my free hand to shake the one offered to me. Adrian was one of the newest members in our town, having looked for permission to settle here with his brother Jacob. The Black Panther shifters had, so far, been hardworking men who seemed to keep to themselves most of the time. They both worked anti-social hours in their chosen careers, Adrian worked as a paramedic and often worked opposite hours to his brother who was a Wolf's Peak fireman. The town didn't have many emergencies or fire related incidents but we had a handful of men and one woman, who were on call and ready to serve the people of Wolf's peak, should the need arise.

"Hello Alpha's. What can I do for you?" Adrian looked from one of us to the other and then cut a glance at the doctor. Confusion was written clearly on his face.

"We're here because we believe the wolf you're taking care of is actually a friend of my mate's. Jason would like the chance to talk to him and try to help him. If the wolf is Kennedy, then we'll take him back to the pack house and see that he gets whatever help and support that he needs."

I see Adrian pale and look back over his shoulder towards the front door before looking back at me. "Maybe he should stay here. Moving him might not be a good idea right now. I mean no disrespect to you Alpha and I know that your mate wants what's best for his friend, but I think you should give him another week or two at least." He bares his neck to me as a sign of his submission and respect and though I doubt his reasons for trying to keep Mouse here, I don't doubt his loyalty to me and my pack.

"Why don't we go inside and once Jason has spoken with Mouse we can decide what we will do." I compromise.

"Mouse?" Adrian frowned at me in confusion.

"Kennedy." I clarify.

Adrian starts to chuckle and I look at Jason with a raised brow. He's looking back at me with an expression that says he thinks Adrian is crazy.

"I'm sorry." He finally says between bouts of laughter. "I can't believe he's called Mouse, wait until I tell Jacob."

Mention of his brother reminds me that I haven't seen him since we arrived. "Is Jacob working today?"

"Yes, Alpha. He should be finished his shift in about an hour. We have a couple of hours to grab some dinner and then my shift starts. We've been making sure that at least one of us is with...Kennedy?" Jason nods to let him know that he's gotten Kennedy's name correct. "At least one of us is with him at all times."

"Can I see him?" Jason asks anxiously and steps forward. He's let go of my hand and is now wringing both of his together.

"Of course, Alpha. I'll show you to his room." Adrian leads us into the house and down a hallway that's at the end of the entryway. He stops outside the second door on the right. "He hasn't shifted back since Jacob brought him home, but I left some clothes on the dresser just in case he does. They'll probably be too big on him though, my brother and I aren't small men." Jason smiled his gratitude at Adrian and thanked him before quietly opening the door and walking inside. The door closing behind him with a click.

"Tell me about how your brother found Kennedy and what's been happening with him since then." I ask as I follow Adrian back out to the living room and take a seat in one of the recliners. Adrian sits on the sofa next to the doctor before answering.

"Jacob is the one who found him, I only know what he told me about it." He goes on to explain how it had been late at night when Jacob was returning home from work and noticed Kennedy's wolf in the tree's lining the road not far from their house. It seemed that Kennedy was not in good shape and although he'd growled and behaved aggressively when approached by Jacob, he hadn't been able to put up a fight.

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