Chapter 18 - Date Night

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Jason's POV

"Tell me all about what you've been up to. Is being mated all that it's rumoured to be?" Mouse sighed into the phone. I chuckled picturing the dreamy look that I knew would be on his face.

"You are a hopeless romantic, Kennedy Jameson. Being mated is a lot of work, just like any other relationship." I informed him. "I haven't seen a lot of Bram since I came back. He's busy with Alpha duties and looking after the pack. We've had a few new shifters turn up looking to join or to just live under the protection of the town so he's been checking out their backgrounds and showing them around." The only time I saw Bram anymore was when he crawled into bed at three or four in the morning and reached out for me. He was always gone before I woke in the morning to put the Guard through their training schedule.

It was a month since I'd returned to Wolf's Peak and at first Bram had assured me that his work load was lightening. Now though he was getting busier and busier as more shifters began to seek help and shelter.

"You need to pin that man down and have a date night. Go to dinner or the movies or something. I'm sure Austin wouldn't mind being in charge for a few hours so that you can reconnect with your mate and have some bonding time."

Mouse had a good point. I would seek Bram out and tell him that I wanted a night just for us. With a giant smile on my face I thanked Mouse and quickly ended the call.

"Have fun and call me tomorrow to tell me all about it." Mouse said with a smile in his voice.

"I'm not giving you any intimate details, Mouse." I chuckled. "I'll call you tomorrow though. Keep safe." I hung up and went in search of my absent mate.

I found Bram in his office talking with two other men that I had never seen before. Their scent was shifter but they weren't wolves. I'd never scented their kind before so I couldn't say what species they were.

Bram was seated behind his desk and turned his head at my intrusion with a deep scowl on his face that quickly turned into a smile when he saw me. "Hi, baby." He got to his feet and came to me, wrapping me in a tight embrace. His nose ran up the side of my neck and he inhaled deeply taking in my scent.

"Hi." I smiled up at him. "I wanted to talk to you but I can see that you're busy so I'll come back later." I tried to pull away but Bram held me fast.

"I'm never too busy for you. Come and meet the newest editions to our little town." He took me by the hand and led me over to the two men in his office. They were both on their feet now and facing us. "Jacob and Adrian Mentis this is my mate Jason." Bram looked at me with an emotion in his eyes that I didn't want to examine to closely for fear of giving in to my own and throwing caution to the wind.

"Hello, Alpha Jason." The one introduced as Adrian offered me his neck in submission. His brother, who had a striking resemblance to him but looked much younger also offered his neck.

"Hello." I answered warily. I could scent predator from both of them now that I was closer to them. There was also a fainter scent clinging to them, the scent of cat. These two were some breed of cat shifters. I tried not to be too obvious as I studied them closely, but I could see the side of Jacob's mouth twitch with a smile.

"We are black panthers." He said pointing between himself and his brother. "Adrian is a paramedic and I am a fire-fighter. We're hoping to get a transfer here as soon as possible." I couldn't help but be impressed by these men. It took someone special to have either career and a lot of dedication. It said a lot about their character in my opinion.

"It's very nice to meet you both." I offered my hand to Jacob and then Adrian in turn. "I hope you're both very happy here in Wolf's Peak."

"Thank you, Alpha Jason." They said in unison.

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