Chapter 6 - Family Honor

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A/N: Sorry about the delay on this one, families and the 'real world' got in the way. Poor Bram and Jason seem to have messed up family lives don't they? It's no wonder Bram was a messed up kid and Jason is a messed up adult with daddy issues. 

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Jason's POV

I'm almost finished my pie when Austin narrows his eyes at something behind me. "I'll be right back, bro. Stay here." He tells me and leaves the booth before I can reply to him.

I shrug my shoulders and put the last forkful of pie into my mouth. I absentmindedly rub at my chest as my wolf starts pacing and panting. "Calm down, pup." I whisper to him and get up to use the bathroom.

After finishing my business I wash my hands and splash cold water on my face. My eyes are dilated and the edges are turning the golden colour of my wolf's eyes. He's trying to make an appearance but I don't understand the reason for his restlessness. Maybe he's feeling my anxiety at being back here in Wolf's Peak.

I step out of the bathroom with my hand against my chest and breath in an intoxicating scent that has my wolf letting out a content chuffing sound. It's a combination of scents from the forest and has undertones of musk. My nostrils flare as I scan the diner for the source of the scent. My eyes widen in shock as the lock with a pair of blue eyes that haunt me in my sleep.

No! I scream inside my head. No, no, no. No fucking way!

I watch Bram 'The Bastard' Hunt as he comes towards me. The fucker would look even more delicious now that he was grown with midnight black hair and piercing blue eyes. I let my eyes wonder down his body taking note of the wide muscular shoulders and arms, a body that looked fit even through his clothes and an erection that left nothing to the imagination even through the thick denim material of his jeans.

I felt his warm sweet breath on my face as he stopped too close to me for my own comfort. All thoughts of mating left my wolf as my human fears took hold.

The last time he'd been this close to me I'd been beaten unconscious and left almost for dead. I needed room, I needed to get away from him, but my stupid feet wouldn't listen to the command my mind gave them.

I can feel my brother moving closer and that gives me some comfort. I'm not alone this time, and I'm no longer the weakling I once was.

"Mate!" Bram suddenly growls and grabs the back of my neck.

I react on instinct and push him away with my left hand while pulling back my right. "Never!" I spit out in reply and let my fist fly at his face. I hear a satisfying crunch before he falls at my feet, out cold.

"Jason!" Austin grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "What the hell did you do?" He asks, but I can see the respect and pride flashing in his eyes. "We need to get out of here now, before he wakes up." He grabs my hand and we make a dash for the door as the wolf, I hadn't taken notice of before but must have been with Bram, growls at us and looks torn between giving chase and staying to take care of his soon-to-be Alpha. He seems to decide to stay with Bram because he never exits the diner after us, however I can hear sirens not too far away and jump into Austin's truck just as he floors the accelerator and we screech out of the lot.

"Would you like to explain to me what that was about before I'm called in front of his father to explain it to him? Not to mention the police will probably pay us a visit." He frowns and pinches the bridge of his nose. "This is the last thing Mom needs." He says under his breath, but I hear him.

I feel like a total SOB. I hadn't even thought of how this would reflect back on Austin and my parents. They have enough stress and worry right now. I hadn't thought at all, I'd just reacted on instinct but now my wolf was riding me hard. He was unhappy with me to say the least. He was crying out for our mate and was worried about him, he was snarling at me and clawing behind my ribs because I'd hurt our mate. Did he not understand that our mate had hurt us first? I know he was just a pup then, unable to reach the surface of my human form, but he was aware of the things we did and of what happened to us.

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