Chapter 23 - Tunnel Vision

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Bram's POV

"How can the trail end in the middle of the woods? There's no road here and no way of getting any kind of vehicle here since the tree line is too dense. I want you all to fan out and search every inch of this area." I yelled at the members of the Alpha Guard who had been tasked with helping me to search for my mate.

It had been almost a month since Jason had been taken and every time we thought we'd found him we had turned up another dead end. James and Kevin seemed to keep moving my mate's location. I'd been in contact with Jason on a regular basis and I was relieved to find that he was still unharmed. He had no recollection though of being transferred to another location. This led me to believe that my mate was being drugged before he was moved. I was beside myself with worry over what effect the drugs must be having on Jason's pregnancy and on my unborn child.

"Alpha, I've found something."

I hurried over to Xander and found him standing over a trap door that had been hidden in the earth beneath a pile of leaves and other debris from the forest floor. The door was painted black as camouflage against the earth around it, even the handle was painted to keep it hidden. "Help me get this open." I said to no one in particular and reached for the handle.

The door was obviously locked from the inside and refused to budge as we pulled and strained to get it to open. I growled out my frustration and began kicking at the door. It took some time but finally the door began to give way. With a yell of triumph I pulled the door free and led the way inside. I jumped down into a tunnel that led back in the direction we'd come from. It seemed to be endless as we made our way as silently as possible through the darkness.

The only sound was the sound of us breathing and the slight shuffle of feet on the packed earth beneath our feet. I was straining to pick up any sound, even the faintest noise.

But there was nothing.

I was beginning to think that we would find another dead end at the end of this search. I was growing more desperate with each day that passed without being able to hold Jason in my arms or breath in his unique scent. Our families were also beside themselves with worry. Our parents had joined in the search when they could as had our brothers, both of whom were behind me now in the tunnel.

~Baby, can you hear me?~ I asked using our bond. My heart was pounding out a desperate rhythm and I could almost feel Jason's relief when he replied.

~Bram, what's happening? Kevin and James just ran out of here and I didn't like the looks on their faces.~ I could clearly hear the worry in his tone and my steps grew quicker as I hurried forward, hopefully to my mate.

~Jason, I need you to do something for me. Try to make some noise if you can. Yell, bang something, just make as much noise as you can. Can you do that for me, baby?~ I was practically begging but I didn't care right now that an Alpha should never beg for anything. This was my mate and child that I was trying to find, to protect.

My reply came in the form of clanging and yelling from further down the tunnel. "Hurry." I shout and start racing forward. A hand grabs my arm and pulls me back. I snarl and turn on the person who dares to stop me from going to my family.

"Bram, you need to slow down. It could be a trap. How do we know that Kevin or James, or even both of them, aren't waiting for us further into the tunnel? We need to be careful, brother. I want to get your mate back almost as much as you do, but we need to think clearly." My brother, Emery said.

I knew he was right. We couldn't run headlong into this without a plan of action and we had to be extra cautious now. We were so close. I could feel Jason now, emotions were beginning to flood me the closer I got to him.

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