Chapter 15 - Intoxicating Love

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A/N: Things are heating up in this chapter. If you don't want to read the hot and heavy scene then look out for this: [START OF LOVE SCENE] and skip to: [END OF LOVE SCENE].

I haven't had time to edit this chapter, as usual, so let me know if you catch any mistakes.

Bram's POV

I lay Jason out on his bed and removed his shoes before pulling the covers over him. I wasn't sure what had happened in the clearing but I had my suspicions. I'd been put on the spot with that question about us providing an heir. I had tried to buy us some time by saying we needed to get to know each other and the pack before we became pregnant.

If I was honest the thought terrified me.

Jason had already made it very clear that I would be the submissive partner in our mating so that meant that I would be the one carrying the pup. I wasn't sure how our families or the pack would take to having a submissive and pregnant Alpha and I wasn't afraid to admit that it scared the hell out of me to even think of giving birth.

I pressed a light kiss to Jason's lips and made my way quietly from the room. I needed to start sending out emails to the other packs in the country and introduce myself as the new Alpha. I would also have to inform them that I had found my mate or my inbox would be inundated with offers of their offspring as my mate as a way to join our packs.

It didn't take me long to draft a message and send it in a group email. I'd just finished looking through the other emails in my inbox when the replies started to come in. There were messages of congratulations on both my mating and my newly acquired title but there were some messages that made it clear that my mating another man was being frowned upon.

I growled and closed down my laptop after reading the third bigoted message. Who was I hurting by being with Jason? Fate had chosen him for me and I was happy with her choice. My pack had not had any problems with who my mate was. They were happy for us and were looking forward to us having children.

How could this be wrong?

Two mated males could have offspring, it was something that Fate had given us. We weren't sure exactly when or how it had happened over time but it had and even a male wolf mated to a male human could impregnate his mate.


I turned at the sound of my mates sleepy voice. His hair was standing up in all directions and he was rubbing at his tired eyes. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I had slammed the laptop closed in my frustration forgetting that his sensitive hearing would pick it up.

"What happened?"

"You fainted so I brought you back to the infirmary. The doctor gave you a check-up but said that you were fine. I brought you back here to sleep off whatever had upset you." I explained.

I could see realisation hitting him. He sat on the sofa looking at me warily. "You promised the pack an heir." His voice was accusing and I couldn't understand why. "You never even asked me if I wanted a pup."

So that's why he was angry.

"I was put on the spot. You know as well as I do that the pack expects their Alpha to provide an heir, I could have been challenged if I had said no." I tried to keep my voice calm. Was he trying to tell me that he didn't want us to have a family of our own? "I didn't have the time to ask you, are you saying that you don't want to have a family?"

Jason looked incredibly uneasy on the sofa. He couldn't seem to sit still and suddenly shot up to his feet, pacing the room. "I want kids. This isn't about me not wanting them. This is about you assuming that I'll be okay carrying your pups and letting someone cut me open to take them out when the time comes. I'm not ready for something like that." He yelled at me, shocking me to my core.

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