Chapter 22 - To Trap A Wolf

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A/N: It's show time!

Okay so there has been a serious lack of action lately in this story but that's about to change over the next few chapters.

I hope you guys like this, let me know in the comments below.

Jason's POV

I sighed in relief as I emptied my bladder into the toilet and tilted my head back. It was growing tiresome having to pee so many times in one day. I zipped myself up and washed my hands. Looking at my reflection in the mirror above the bathroom sink I noticed that my face looked flushed. It was probably that pregnant glow that people talked about, though anyone would glow if they spent a good portion of their day throwing up. I dried my hands off and walked back into the bedroom.

I noticed a gentle breeze coming from the now open French windows before I registered the presence of someone else in the room.

"I guess we hit the jackpot, Kevin. It's Red." A voice sneered from close to the open doors.

I spun around, trying to ignore the sudden shift in my unsettled stomach, and saw the man from the street. This close up, and with his scent strong in the bedroom, I knew exactly who he was. "James." I growled. This man had been one of my tormentors as a child. He'd been one of the ones to beat me unconscious.

"I'm flattered, you remember me." He mocked me before his face suddenly turned a mottled red. "I'd love to pay you back for what you put us through, you little runt. But... right now you're going to be a lot more useful as bait." James circled around the bed that stood between us and I braced myself for whatever may come. A movement caught the corner of my eye and I turned my head, seeing Kevin trying to slip quietly up behind me.

"What makes you two moron's think that I'm just going to come quietly." I growled at them.

James chuckled evilly. "Because you have a little puppy in the oven to protect." He waved towards my stomach. "And we won't care if it gets hurts or worse." He motioned to Kevin who grabbed me by the arm and pulled it back roughly behind me before doing the same with my other arm and tying them behind me.

I was furious but also terrified. I hated these two with every fibre of my being. They had always been abusive bullies and it seemed that had never changed. "I thought you'd been kicked out of the pack lands years ago?" I knew they had been but I wanted to let them know that I knew of their shaming and expulsion from the pack.

James walked closer until our faces were inches apart. "Your mate will pay dearly for letting his father treat us like criminals. You're going to lead him to us and we're going to kill him." James laughed in my face.

~Bram, I'm being taken. It's a trap, please don't follow me.~ I managed to send my thoughts to Bram before Kevin hit me over the head from behind and everything went blurry before turning black.


I slowly became aware of a shuffling sound a few feet to my left. I kept my eyes closed and feigned unconsciousness as I let my other senses take over and process what was happening around me. I could smell earth and old blood. The ground beneath me was cold and bare, I must be in a basement or someplace underground.

There was more shuffling and the sound of something hitting the ground hard. "No. Please, James, not again." I heard a young male voice cry out. His plea was answered with the sound of skin hitting skin. The boy cried out.

"Don't tell me what I can or can't do. I call the shots around here and if I want something then I'll damn well take it." I could hear the boy taking a few more hits or kicks before the groan of a door opening and then slamming shut, and then there was silence.

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