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It's the end of the first book but Bram and Jason will be back in book 2 for Mouse and Jacob's story. Look out later for the cover and blurb for their book: A Cat For Mouse.

Bram's POV

I was beyond terrified, looking down at my mate lying on the hospital style bed with a strange band around his middle. I didn't know what it was called but the doctor said it would monitor the baby's heartbeat and the strength of the contractions. I couldn't make sense of the things written on the monitor that it was hooked up to so I just concentrated on Jason. My beautiful Jason.

His face was lined with worry and I was trying my best to disguise my own feelings. I needed to stay strong for him, or at least maintain a façade of cool, calm strength. My hand was crushed in his grip as another wave hit him. "Breath, baby, just like the doctor showed you."

"I am breathing." He grunted. "I swear, next time you're doing this."

I had no doubt that he believed what he was saying right now but there was no way that I was doing this. Just watching Jason dealing with the pain made me realise how strong he really was. He had coped with a lot of things in his life, some of it was my fault. Okay, a lot of it was my fault. Like his treatment as a child, finding out that I was his mate and being kidnaped, and now this.

"Bram, put these scrubs on, quickly while we wheel Jason into the operating room." The doctor entered the room with a nurse trailing behind him and handed me a set of scrubs. While I was rushing to get them on he removed the monitor from Jason's stomach and released the break on the bed so it could be moved to the next room.

"Bram?" Jason's voice cracked on my name and I jumped into action. I ran to catch up to him while pulling the paper hat over my hair.

"I'm here, love." I reassured him.

The doors to the operating room banged open as the bed was pushed through them and then we were positioned in the centre of the room while the doctor and nurse put a curtained partition up so that we couldn't see what was happening. Jason was given his epidural and after a few moments the doctor asked him if he could feel him pinching him. Once he was happy that Jason was feeling no real pain anymore he began the procedure.

I could smell my mate's blood being spilled but I sat in the chair beside him and kept our eyes locked onto each other. "I love you." I told him again. I felt like I was constantly saying that lately, but it was true and even the words weren't strong enough to convey how I really felt about him.

"I love you too." He winced and I was afraid that the drugs were wearing off. "What is it? Are you in pain?"

"No, it just feels strange. Like it's numb but I can feel what they're doing, I can feel tugging." That sounded gross, I was glad I couldn't see passed the curtain.

"Just keep looking at me, think about our little boy and how much we're going to spoil him." I smiled.

Jason chuckled, "You're already spoiling him."

That was true and I couldn't deny it. I had set up a nursery for our son the day after we'd had our scan. It was painted blue with fluffy white clouds and rainbows and held a cot, changing table, dresser, bookshelf, books and numerous toys for him to play with. Jason had complained stating that the baby wouldn't really be able to play with a lot of the toys for a few months yet, but I couldn't resist them.

A cry rent the air and we both looked towards the curtain. A tiny face topped with wet, dark hair emerged above the fabric divide and scrunched up as another cry left his lips. The doctor smiled at us both and placed our baby on Jason's bare chest for a quick snuggle before he was removed and cleaned up.

"He's perfect." Jason said watching our child being cleaned and swathed in a blanket.

"Yes." I agreed. "Just like you." Jason turned back to me and kissed me deeply.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?"

"For loving me, and for giving me a beautiful son."

"Oh, baby, I should be thanking you. You gave me a second chance when I didn't really deserve one, and you did all of the hard work when it comes to our son." I kissed him on the tip of his nose and straightened when the nurse came back to us and handed our son to me.

"What is this little one's name?" The doctor asked, he was doing something behind the curtain that I couldn't, and didn't want to, see.

I looked at Jason and gave him a nod, letting him know that he could be the one to tell him. "His name is Jonathan Bradley Hunt." Jason stated proudly.

I beamed down at them both with a goofy grin on my face. I felt complete. I'd never known that there was a void in my life until I'd found Jason, he filled that void. Now with the addition of my son, our son, I was truly happy and content.


Jason's POV

I brushed back a tuft of red downy hair and kissed my son goodnight. I turned on the monitor beside the cot and tried not to make a sound as I walked from the room. Jonathan was a very light sleeper and woke up at the slightest sound. I didn't know if it was because of his shifter hearing or if he was just overly sensitive.

"Hi, beautiful." Strong arms wrapped around me from behind and I shivered in anticipation when soft warm lips pressed against the nape of my neck. I breathed in the scent of my mate and felt my body respond to him. I would forever desire this man. He was my soul, my heartbeat, and I would be eternally grateful that fate had given him to me.

"Hi, baby." I turned and claimed his lips. Our tongues meeting and duelling for control, teeth biting playfully and breath mingling and becoming one. My hand caressed down his back, pulling him closer and exploring one perfect butt cheek encased in denim.

"Let's go to bed." He took my hand and pulled me over to our bed, I hesitated when he tried to push me backwards onto the mattress.

"I need to check on Mouse first."

"No." He interrupted me. "He's with Niko. They've gone to see a movie."

I chuckled. "You planned this, didn't you?"

His eyes sparkled with mischief. "Maybe."

I laughed as we both fell onto the bed and bounced slightly. "I'm topping." I warned him.

"Oh, baby, that's not going to be a problem."

A cry from the monitor on the side table beside the bed had us groaning and pulling apart. "I better go and settle him down." I moved to sit up but Bram kept me down with a hand on my chest.

"No, I have that covered." He assured me and that's when I heard his mother's voice on the monitor cooing to our son and trying to soothe him back to sleep.

I grinned and pounced on my mate. We hadn't had uninterrupted sex since I'd given birth. He seemed to know every time we tried to get close with one another and woke up before we could finish, or get started.

"I love you." And I did, Bram was the love of my life and I hoped for a very long and full one with him. I wanted to grow old with him and watch our children, and their children, grow and find a love like ours.

"I love you too, so much."

I wasn't foolish enough to think that we'd never have our problems, or that life would run smoothly. But I was willing to face anything that came our way as long as I had Bram by my side.

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