Chapter 10

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"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Maddy said as they walked into the empty room.

"Uh...well...I don't know really" harry now felt his heart beating forty times faster.

"Harry, what do you mean you don't know?" Maddy said

"I was thinking we should go to England this sunday." He blurted out knowing that's not what he wanted to tell her. At Least not this soon.

"Maybe they were wrong, I think you are drunk."maddy said, mainly to herself.

"No, now that I think about it we should." He reassured her

"Harry, there's nothing left for me in England, my life is here now, and you either accept that or you don't." She yelled as he sat down on the bed.

He sat down next to her and laid his hand on top of hers.

"Your mom called." Harry sighed.

"What?...No she didn't, don't lie to me" maddy stuttered, completely stunned to hear him say that.

"She did. She misses you. She needs you." Harry said, quieter this time.

"If you're implying I move back to England, you're crazy," maddy whispered.

"Oh, no, trust me I'm not. We need you to keep us sane, all of us, Hailey too, but your mom needs you too." Harry defensively said.

"She didn't care when I left. She hasn't called in two years, since we left. I know it takes time to heal and to recover but we could've done it together and she just shut me out." Maddy began to cry.

"People cope in different ways maddy, she didn't know what she was doing at the moment when she let you leave. But she's all alone now, heck she's been all Alone for two years. She doesn't have you or Michael, how do you think she feels?" Harry held her hand a little tighter but she pulled away.


"She threw me out, pushed me away, said she didn't need me anymore, that without michael, I was just another reminder." She was now crying uncontrollably.

"Shes sorry" he whispered.

Harry got up and hugged maddy, she cried into his arms for what seemed like hours.

"It seems I can't stop crying when I'm with you, can we just get back to fighting?" Maddy sobbed.

They laughed and held each other for a couple more seconds before Madison spoke again.

"I miss her too." She looked up to see harry looking down at her.

"Then let's go, there's something I've been meaning to tell you, and it would be so much easier in our home town." Harry hugged her tighter.

"Please tell me Harry,"

"Madison, we've gone through a lot together, and although we fight more than anything in the world, we are still so close" harry stopped, not being able to continue.

"I know that and I thank god for that everyday, but tell me what is it?" Maddy plead.

"I just don't think right now is a good moment."

"I really want to hear--" she stopped mid-sentence looking up at harry.

"Harry did you hear that?" She let go of him and they both walked over to the window.

"Yea, she said "let me go" but there isn't any one out there." Harry looked down onto the front yard.

"Madison! Harry!" Louis barged into the room, looking frightened.

"What happened?" Maddy walked over to him.

"Someone...someone took hailey" he said through deep breaths.


"What the hell do you mean, someone took her?" Maddy yelled.

"She..uh..some guy said a girl and a guy made her cry, they held her really tight and then took her away in a car." Louis said.

"Oh my fucking god, no, come one we gotta go get her!!" Maddy screamed before running out the room, down the stairs.

"Who was the one who saw her?" Everyone pointed at a guy, who could barely open his eyes and was being interrogated by zayn.

Maddy ran up to the guy, cut in front of zayn, and yelled at the guy over the music.

"What did the people look like? You have to tell me."

"Uh..he was white? I. couldn't really see his face through the hoodie, but the girl she had blond hair, an orange blouse and either salmon or white pants....that's all I got, oh but the girl called him Brian." The boy said.

"Thank you so much, god why the Fuck is this music still on." Maddy walked out the house, louis, zayn, harry and liam following behind.

"okay, so we have to go to the police. Hailey only came so i wouldn't miss the party and i'm so terrible for leaving her." maddy paced around the yard, her hands held to her head in desperation.

"it wasnt your fault, maddy, come on, i'll drive." zayn said

They all got in zayns car, it was small but they squeezed in, zayn driving, maddy riding shotgun, and louis, harry and liam riding in the back.

no one said a word during half the ride. Zayn had even remembered he just left his cousins house unattended, filled with hundreds of unknown people, but he kept calm knowing the situation.

God hailey, where are you?

what happened?

I'm so sorry for leaving you, i shouldn't have.

god please let her be alright, tell me it was just a friend and the drunk guy saw it all wrong. please.

damn it but what friend? she only has us

and we left her.

Tears streamed down maddys face, zayn held her hand hoping to comfort her, but still no one said anything knowing how much this meant to her.

Everyone knows how much hailey means to me, how much I always wanted a girl friend i could trust, how i always wanted someone to go do my nails with, to talk about boys with, and now that i finally found one, i lost her. please let her forgive me god, i know i have these boys but i can't move on without her.


A/N: The picture attached is a photo of maddy (harrys_stylin) and Harry. Hoped you liked the chapter please continue to vote and comment I would really appreciate the recognition because I do work hard on this story.

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