Chapter 19

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"Maddy, i have a huge crush on you, i might even be able to say i'm in love with you, that i always have been, since we were kids. That it's the reason why i always picked on you and started pointless arguments, just to get your attention. Look i know its crazy, i know all we ever do is fight so how i could i possibly develop feelings for you, but its been eating me alive for weeks and i can't help but tell you." he stopped, she said nothing.

"I-I love when you call me to help you with something, i love when you cry into my shoulders, when you hold me tight, like as if to say that you'd fall down if you didn't hold on that tight. i love arguing with you, i love when you call me an asshole , when you scream at me, i even loved that day you punched me in the face in the sixth grade. All these years i thought the love i had for you, was the type of love a brother would have for his sister but i can't help but acknowledge its much more than that, Listen it totally fine if -" Her hands made their way to his face, and her lips slammed against his.

All of a sudden no other world existed just this one, the one where it was her and him, in the middle of a beach, stress free. Suddenly her heart was beating 150 times faster, her blood circulating at a faster rate than usual .

She had him, she feared she was the only one with these feelings, but she isn't.

They parted from the kiss and stared into each others eyes."I love your ridiculous hair, and your childish ways, and the way that you make me feel like no matter what happens everything will be okay, i love every aspect of you."

They kissed once more, electricity running through their bodies, little to know electricity was running through hailey's body too, but in a completely different way.

THey told some more stories and realized it had already been 3pm and they'd been out since 9am. On the way back home they couldn't help but stare at eachother. Harry held onto maddy's hand the whole ride, and for once the world seemed right.

They pulled up to maddy's driveway.

"i guess my mom came over"

They both walked out the car, and when their hands found each other they couldn't help but laugh.

It was weird that it wasn't weird when deep inside they both thought it would be.

They walked into maddy's house to see harry's parents and maddy's mom surprised but worried expressions on their faces.

"okay so i know you guys are surprised because we are holding hands. yes we are i guess together now" maddy smiled looking over at harry before he spoke.

"but why the worry expressions"

"um you see the girl , hailey, you guys said she was a very close friend of yours?" harry's mother, Anne, began.

"yea, she's our friend, " panick suddenly rising through her veins

"darling, calm down" harry held on tighter to her hand.

"mum what happened to hailey?"

"zayn called to check in on you, he didn't wanna have to tell you guys but he thought you'd guys need to know?"

"What the fuck" what did he want us to know? stop fucking sugar coating everything and tell us what the fuck happened?" maddy let go of harry's hand and screamed as loud as she could. Worry filled her thoughts, tears began to stream down without her acknowledgement.

"Hailey was admitted to the hospital, two hours ago, she tried to commit suicide, well zayn said he's not sure if she succeeded or not"

and suddenly maddy wasn't maddy she was the waves at the beach. A happy wave clashed upon an angry wave creating maddy. She fell down to her knees and cried, harry by her side crying as hard. Maddy crawled to pick her phone and instantly dialled Mrs. dawson.


"Mrs-mrs-mrs dawson..hailey? please tell-tell me what happened?" maddy sobbed and cried, unable to make a clear sentence. She could hear mrs.dawson crying which only made her worse.

"oh maddy, i have no idea, it was such a mess. You were right, i should've tried harder, when we busted down the door she had already taken the pills and her arms and legs were already gushing so much blood, she passed out and collapsed and --i -i don't know what to." she cried so much it brought maddy into a real state of mind.

"Don't worry, she will be okay, i know she will, she's too strong. My flights not till 7 but im gonna take one as soon as possible, I'll be there soon, please call me if anything."

With those words the phone call ended and maddy rushed up to her room and began throwing her clothes into her suitcase.

Harry walked into her room.

"Maddy i know if i tell you to take it easy you might just punch me in the throat but you sure you wanna leave early. I mean i definitely do, i already checked the flights and we could get two coach tickets for a plane leaving at 5:30 but-" maddy stopped him.

"Book the flights, my best friend is on a death bed right now all because some dumbass kids have been torturing her and i swear i will kill every person responsible for this , so please if you want to come with me book yourself a flight too if not get me one because i'm leaving."maddy closed her suitcase and began packing her essential things into a small bag.

"of course im going with you, i care and love hailey just as much, i'll be back we gotta leave in 15 minutes to make it to the airport at least by 4:50 , its 3:36 you've got a couple minutes, ill be packing my stuff." maddy didn't say anything just continued packing. Harry finished packing in 5 minutes tops. Guys.

He had purchased their tickets and cancelled their old ones, then they both headed downstairs , suitcases in their hands.

"maddy, my baby, im so sorry, im sure she will be okay. My prayers go out to her." Maddy hugged her mother real tight.

"Thank you mom, I love you so much and i promise i'll be back as soon as possible, if god loves me , i can even bring hailey."

"I love you too sweety, and trust me god does love you and she will be okay. Have a safe flight , call me when you land." They hugged once again.

Maddy and harry exchanged goodbyes with their parents, promised to come back and left.

A long silent ride, successfully getting on the plane, boring plane ride, and a ride to the hospital later , they arrived in front of hailey's door at a time between 3:30 and 4:30 am because of time zones.


A/n: sorry for the long wait. Vote and Comment xx

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