Chapter 20

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"you guys are back" Louis, liam, and zayn had come back although it was nearly two in the morning.

"yea, we couldn't really sleep, juniors decided to throw another party today so we rather be here" louis smiled.
"you rather be here than at a party? are you guys okay?" hailey laughed

"honestly yes, plus we figured you'd strangle your parents if we left you too long alone with them. Which is why i'm really praying to god that they're sleeping and not dead" zayn added making everyone laugh.

"thank you someone understands me! if i could get up they probably wouldn't be breathing."

They laughed quietly to prevent from waking the dawsons.

For the next two hours they joked, and watched frozen trying their hardest to not sing along. They then continued to laugh over her mothers snoring till some one showed up at her door.

"Hailey oh my goodness!" They woke up.

They ran over to her bed, hugging her too tight,

"guys," she tried to let out.

"im sorry, hailey you're alive, you're here." maddy sobbed.

"how is it? i mean i know it isn't good but im sorry we couldn't be here earlier." harry began and got distracted by maddy slapping zayn.

"what the fuck was that for?" he half screamed half whispered

"guys this is a hospital." mrs. dawson said.

"why didn't you call me? you could've told me that she woke up! Ive been freaking out for the past 7 hours and you're watching frozen!" maddy yelled again being reminded they were at a hospital by hailey's mom.

"you never called me! mrs. dawson told you everything, you called her not me!"

"do not try to blame me!" zayn laughed after maddy turned her attention to hailey.

Before hailey could apologize to maddy the intern walked in.

"you know, i went home at 12 in the night last night, got 3 hours of sleep and now i'm back because apparently there is some lost paperwork. You guys are the last people i wanna see this early in the morning, especially the last people arguing. So which one of you idiots got hurt this time." The young intern had moved towards the bed to see hailey smiling.

"now you've got two things to apologize for." Hailey said. He laughed receiving confused glances around the room.

"You know, a nice "omg maddy how are you? i've missed you so much, sorry i never call anymore" would be nice" The intern walked over and hugged maddy tightly.

"omg maddy how are you? i've missed you so much, sorry i never call anymore." He repeated laughing along.

"ma'am Dr.pilarsky stated that he would need to examine hailey one more time, because apparently i lost one of them although i've never touched them , all i did was walk in here and say a joke to your daughter then leave but enough about me. He said he would come by in about 30 minutes." he said.

"okay that'll be fine." Mrs. dawson and her husband stepped out of the room.

"and hailey once again i'm very sorry for what i said earlier, talk about a joke gone wrong, and sorry for calling you and idiot. When you see these 5 at a hospital it's usually because one of them got too drunk and did something stupid."

"its okay, honestly" hailey was gonna tell him, say he's the guy but harry began to speak.

"Hailey this is actually the dude that we told you, you'd love to meet him, he's the guy thats never around but for some reason we still call him our best friend. but i guess you've already met."

"sooner than i thought they would" liam laughed at his statement.

"before i have to leave again , my names niall, Niall Horan" Then dr. pilarsky walked in and took hailey away.

By the time hailey got back, niall was gone.

"so what'd you think of niall?" liam started

"hes hot right?" he continued.

Hailey laughed and shook her head

"He's pretty funny, seems cool"

"He really is, but only when he's not working , i'm actually surprised he joked around with you, that guy takes this job too seriously." maddy added.

"Listen guys, why don't you head on home? its already 6 and maddy, harry you guys haven't had a proper sleep in many hours."

"no its cool, we will stay here as long as you have to" maddy argued.

"maddy, thank you, honestly , i'm very sorry for how i treated you, like my mom says its the way i cope, but don't think for a minute that im mad at you or that i've ever been. I love you so much and thank you for flying all the way out here but really go get some rest. All of you, i'll call if anything. I mean it! For anything! if i gotta pee i'm gonna call you, anything relatively important i'll call you, just rest, it'll make me feel better to know you guys are."

"okay fine. Thanks hailey, you're awesome" maddy kissed hailey on the forehead said goodbye to her parents and waited for the guys to do the same.

Soon enough they all left, hailey knew she could never convince her parents to leave so she closed her eyes, and went to sleep.
A/N: sorry it took so long . My laptop charger went missing and I didn't want to update through my phone . Vote & comment please . If I get enough votes I'll update in two days . Promise xx also get ready for some Niall and h ailey loving lol

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