Chapter 1:who was in there?

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Y/n Hampton snoozed her alarm as she did every morning. After snoozing it a few more times she finally got up. She tiredly walked down the hall and sat at the table. She slumped down and banged her head into her arms. She groaned for she just wanted to stay in bed.

"Well good morning to you too." Her mom said setting the plate in front of her. As per usual there was a knock at the door.

"Come in, Charlie.." the door opened and in walked Y/N's best friend , Charlie Conway.

"Are you seriously not dressed yet? We have to leave in 10 minutes." Charlie rolled his eyes at the girl. Let's just say she was not known for her punctuality.

"But, practice doesn't start till 9:30." She glanced at the clock to see it was only 9:00.


"I still got 25 minutes." She sat back in her chair and yawned.

"You still need to get dressed and it takes us a few minutes to get to the lake."

"Y/n, go get dressed. Now." Her mother demanded.

She didn't dare argue because if she did, only God knows what her mother would do. She didn't want to find out either. She walked down the hall and looked in her drawers. She took sweatpants and a shirt with her jacket. She grabbed her beanie to cover her very messy bed head. She quickly brushed her teeth and grabbed her skates.


"Took you long enough." Charlie walked towards the door.

"Watch it Conway. Bye mom!" Her mother waved goodbye and off she went. Now Y/N loved hockey and she also loved her team, there was just one little, teeny tiny problem. They were the worst team in Minnesota. As much as she wanted to be, she was definitely not the best player.

She followed her best friend to an alley where she met up with her other friends Karp, Peter, and Averman. Except Karp was no where to be found.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get the stuff." Charlie ran off down the street.

"What stuff?" Y/N was never informed about their schemes.

"You shall see, my friend, you shall see." Averman slung an arm over her shoulder.

"Don't touch me." She moved away and his arm fell to his side.

"Where's Karp?" She looked down the alley and didn't see him.

"In here!" Karp bounced up from inside the dumpster.

"Why are you in a dumpster?" Y/N was never in the mood for any of their shenanigans.

"Looking for stuff." He dove back into the dumpster.

"Ah, I see."

"I found one! I'm coming out!" Karp popped his head out and Averman helped him out.

"Karp,you finally found something for once in your life." Peter taunted

"Dumpster Dave comer thought." Averman reveled.

"What do you think?" Karp asked proudly. He held up a brown purse.

"Lovely, Karp, It goes with your eyes." Averman teased.

"You gonna take that from him Karp?" Peter pointed out.

"Remind me to bust you, Averman."

"Thanks, Peter. Thanks very much." Averman sarcastically said.

Charlie came running into the alley with a bag.

"Did you get it?" They asked.

"Yeah, right here!" He pulled out canned food.

"And why do we need canned food?" Y/N questioned.

"You'll see."

"Here Petie. Here boy." Charlie set down the Chili and Y/N just stood there agitated.

"A little chili to keep you warm, buddy."

"Don't feed him that. He'll get sick." Y/N warned.

"Even better, vomit!" Averman cheered.

After the dog finished the food and the can, they followed him around, why? Who knows. The followed him until he stopped, he squatted down and went to the bathroom.

"Yeah!" They all cheered and high-fived each other.

"So, we're late to practice because you wanted to see him poop?" Y/N was so annoyed and questioned why she was friends with them.

"We're not late." Peter said.

"Yeah we are it's 9:40." She glanced down at her watch.

"Yeah...practice starts at 10:10 today."

"Charlie Conway! You made me get dressed and don't bother to tell me that practice dosent start at 9:30? I could be sleeping right now." Y/N values sleep as much as Charlie valued hockey.

"Well...yeah, but you wouldn't have gotten up if I told you.." she was about to argue again before being interrupted.

"Uhh hello? We have business to take care of." Karp pointed to the poop.

The collected the poop into the purse with the plastic bag and walked down the road.

"Y/N, can we borrow a dollar, pleeeeeease?" Peter clasped his hand together and have big puppy dog eyes. As annoying as he was, Y/N  couldn't say no to Peter when he did the puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine." She pulled out a dollar from her pocket and handed it to Peter. They stuck it in the purse and ran to hide behind a pile of trash. A car drove past them and stopped at the purse. He picked it up and went back into his car.

"He's takin off with it. This guy deserves what he gets!" They all laughed and he yelled and threw it out the windows. He saw them laughing and got out of his car and chased them. They ran around and through tubes,over fences, across wood planks, you name it.

They got to the rink and caught their breath.

She tied her skates and headed onto the ice. Her happy place. She skated around with her friends and scrimmaged. She fell down a lot because of Charlie, who always found pleasure in tripping her. She skated over to her other best friend Connie.

"Hey con." She said.

"Hey y/n/n. You excited for the game?" She asked.

"You mean am I excited to get our asses handed to us? Not particularly." The girls laughed and skated a little more until a long black limo drove onto the ice. Who was in there?


Word count:1046

Hey guy hope you like my new storey so far. I'm really trying to make sure y/n doesn't have any specific features. Such as; height, eye colours,hair colours,and body type. I really want this story to be as inclusive as possible.

Comment who you think/want the love interest to be. If you want Adam check out my last story with my own OC, however she dose have specific features since she is my own original character! Enjoy always and forever!

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