Chapter 7: Recruit

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The team had been practicing all week working really hard to get better. They even got two new teammates, Tammy and Tommy. They did drills, learned about skating and by the end of the night, y/n was tuckered. She fell right asleep with the intent of sleeping in.

"Get up." Her friend gently shook her awake.

"Why? There's no practice today." She turned away from him.

"We got a new player, but we gotta teach him how to skate. He's really good. " Her eyes lightened up but soon dimmed.

"How do we know that he's good? I mean, he can't be that great, he can't even skate." She sat up in her bed ready to listen to Charlie.

"His shot is really sick. Like it's kinda scary." She pulled the covers off of her and swung her legs off the bed onto the floor that was covered with clothes.

"Ok. Let me get ready. You can wait in the living room." Her friend walked out and she picked up a black and white striped shirt, and a black shirt  sleeved shirt and layered them. (Long sleeved black and white white under and black on top) she slipped on a pair of baggy jeans and threw on her old beat up vans. She let her hair down and smoothed out the frizz at the top.

She walked out of her bed room and walked to the living room to her friend.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Think so." She walked to the door and grabbed her skates. They walked out and a car pulled up to them.

"Need a ride?" Charlie graciously accepted the offer and dragged y/n into the car with Bombay.

"Hey Charlie,how ya doing?" Coach asked.

"Not bad coach." Y/n sat quietly next to Charlie as they talked.

"Can you make it for dinner?" Charlie asked.

Y/n clenched her fists and shoved them in her coat pockets.

"Yep, wouldn't miss it." Bombay said happily.

Her fists unclenches and her face softened. Her hostility turned into jealousy, once again. She looked at the floor and played with some coins in her pocket. The great of the way her father and Charlie talked and laughed. She tried to get involved in the conversation but it seems that he was more interested in Charlie. They car finally came to a halt. They hopped out to meet the great of the team and the new recruit.

"Everyone, this is fulton reed. I think he will benefit our team. So as a team we need to help him learn to skate. So everyone skates on and start skating." They tried their skates and they all started skating helping Fulton maintain balance.

Peter skated up to y/n and saw her disturbed face.

"Whats wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just worn from all the cake making yesterday." he nodded and didn't ask another question. At the end of the skating adventure everyone switched shoes and began their journey home.

"You coming?" Charlie waved her over.

"Uh, no. Connie's giving me a ride, "  She lied "Just go with it." y/n whispered to Connie.

"Oh, okay. See you later." she waved him goodbye and they drove off.

"You just turned down a ride. What wrong?" Connie always know when something was wrong.

"I just don't feel like being in a car where my father is acting like someone else's dad." Connie looked at her sympathetically.

"Hey I'm sorry. Do you want a ride?"

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