Chapter 10: detention

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"All of you! Up! And follow me." The team stood up and followed the principal to a room.

"You will stay in here and write on the board 'I will not quack at the principal' two-hundred times." The principal slammed the door as she walked out and everyone began to write.

'I will not quack at the principal' everyone recited.

Y/n shook her cramping hand and continued to write. She hopped done off the chair and began to write on the other half of the board.

Everyone was reciting the phrase,but they were cut off when the door opened and everyone turned to see who it was, and it was no other than Gordon Bombay.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna talk to you guys." Bombay said.

"People." Tammy corrected.

"People,right. Sit done please,all of you." Everyone stayed where they were,feet planted on the ground, and everyone holding their stance.

"Ok,don't sit down." He said awkwardly "Look, what's done is done. I wanna be your coach again."

"You're gonna coach a bunch of losers?" Peter snarled.

"No I wanna coach the ducks."

"What about the the things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live." Bombay turned his attention to Karp.

"Karp,I was being sarcastic. You know what that means?" He asked.

"Noooo." Karp said sarcastically.

"Ok then you do. I didn't mean those things the way they sounded. You guys know what it's like to be misunderstood, right?"

"Of course,we're kids." Peter looked up at Bombay.

"Can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?" He asked sympathetically.

"What about banks?" Guy asked.

"He can be on the team if he wants to. He should've been with us all year, it's you guys who were cheated. But let's forget all that crap!" He chanted. "We're a team right?"

The whole team agreed and yelled "yeah!"

"I made you guys, and I'm sticking with you."

Y/n and Charlie smiled at each other

"So, what's it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at the play-offs... or we can forfeit again and the season's over. Peter, what do you say?"

"Well, I guess it would help if we practiced first." Everyone smiled that everyone was on the same page.

"Alright let me see if I can get you out to detention."

"Yes." Everyone high-fived eachother.

"You really quacked at the principal?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." They all said quietly.

"Are we ducks or what?"

"Yeah!" They yelled.


Everyone was getting ready in the locker room. Connie was helping Goldberg with his uniform. Karp was shoving Peter into a locker and y/n was singing. No one enjoyed her mini karaoke sessions. Although she thought she was a good singer, no one seemed to agree.

"Girls just wanna have fu-un." She sang loudly while standing in the bench.

The door opened and she kept singing because she didn't know anyone walked in.

"Ohhh half way there! Woah living in a prayer." She used her hairbrush as a fake microphone. She jumped down off the bench while still singing until someone pulled her down to make her realize she had an audience.

"Oops." She whispered as she sat in the floor next to Guy, who pulled her down.

She looked up to see Adam banks standing there, with his nice combed hair and black combat boots. Bombay walked in shortly after.

"Hey,wasn't sure if you'd show up." Bombay sand patting his back.

"Yeah, whatever. I just wanna play hockey." He looked down and looked back up. He had a frown plastered on his face and he looked nervous.

"Good. Ducks you all know Adam Banks." Charlie stepped forward extending his arm.

"On behalf of the ducks, I'd like to say welcome-" Charlie was interrupted but Jesse slapping a hand in his chest as he stepped forward.

"Cake eater." He said nastily.

"Ooo Jesse ,dissing the new guy, the jes-ter." Averman announced.

"Shut up, Averman!" Jesse yelled.

"It was just a joke.." Averman said to Y/N. She patted his shoulder and looked back at Jesse and Adam.

"Putting on a ducks jersey doesn't make you a real duck." She rolled her eyes at Jesses remarks. One by one Everyone walked out leaving Adam, Bombay, and Y/N.

"They're a good group when you get to know 'em." Bombay reassured.

"I bet." He looked down and she felt bad.

"Hey look, I'm sorry about Jesse, he's a bit...much. But the rest of the team are really nice."

"Yeah, I guess I kinda deserve it." He said with an airy laugh.

"Well, you're a duck now. I'm willing to put everything in the past if you are." She looked at him with promising eyes.

"Yeah, thanks. Well, I'd better get ready." He said.

"Well I'll leave you to it." She walked out and went to the rink.


As the team played the game Jesse was extremely stubborn, he would refuse to pass the puck to Adam unless it was the only choice, and every time he scored Jesse would just skate away and rejoice with the team. After a very long, suspenseful, they were tied.

"Alright, Goldberg, you're gonna sit this one out." Bombay announced.

"You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?" Y/N asked in disbelief.

"A tie isn't gonna help us, we need the win."


Word count: 907

Hey y'all I don't have motivation to finish the chapter soo I'm gonna post what I have and finish it as another chapter. 😝

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