Chapter 5: jealousy

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Y/N was awakened by her door busting open. She looked up to see Guy and Averman.

"Go away." She grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her face.

"We have practice." Averman pulled the pillow off her head and she pulled the blankets over her head.

"I'm not going."

"You have to. Coach told Charlie he was taking us someplace." Guy pulled the blanket away from her head and sat next to her.

"Why did he tell Charlie?" She asked sitting up.

"I don't know, I guess they've been hanging out recently." Averman flopped on top of her.

"Oh, really?" She pushed him off of her and got up. "Ok let's go."

"You have to get dressed." She walked over to her drawer and waved them out. They left and she put on her jeans and slipped on her shirt and jacket.

"Alright. Let's go."

Her and her friends headed out the door and done the street. They got to the lake and there he was. Bombay was standing on the ice waiting for his team to arrive.

"Ok, team. I realised that I wasn't the best coach-" Charlie coughed "ok, I was the worst coach, but I'm going to make it up to you. I know that it must be hard to play without the proper equipment, so, I'm taking you to get the right gear. Everyone in the car."

Everyone cheered and loaded in the car and went to Hans shop. They all piled into the store and Y/N began to look around.

She was totally oblivious to what she needed so she just looked around. Connie helped her find the right pads and all she needed was a stick. She decided that she would break the ice with her father by asking him to help her find a stick.

"Coach, will you help me pick out a stick."

"Not now, sorry. I'm helping Charlie with his pads. You can manage, can't you?"

"Yeah, I guess." She huffed and walked away.

"I'll help you pick out a stick." Peter stood by her side.

"Thanks, Peter." She hugged him and walked with him to the sticks.

"Which one do you think I should get?" She asked.

"This one, it's so cool." He picked up a stick that had a blue-black ombré stick. The shaft was blue and it blended into black down the stick to the blade.

"I like it. Let me find my size." She picked up a y/s/s (your stick size) and carried it and helped Peter find the right pads.

After they found all their gear and equipment they went and paid. They all walked out with their stuff and thanked their coach. She walked home with Charlie.

"Wanna see the stuff I got?" He asked.

"Sure when we get home."

They walked to her house and she took out her keys and unlocked the door. They walked in and sat in the couch.

"Ok so look at my stick. Coach helped me pick it out. Neat, right?"

"Yeah, it's nice." She tried to sound enthused but for some reason she couldn't.

"And he helped me pick out my pads." he showed her the pads he had gotten.

(The team knows that he is her dad, just btw.)

"Oh and guess what."

"What?" She asked.

"I think Coach likes my mom." She sat up quickly.

"What? You're joking."

"No I'm serious, wouldn't the be cool? We'd be like siblings." He seemed really excited so she put a smile on her face.

"That would be crazy."

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry I gotta go. My mom needs me."

"Oh, bye Charlie." He walked out and she laid on the couch. She felt something, not anger, not sadness, but jealousy.

She was jealous that her father would be more of a dad to Charlie than he was to her. She sat up again and turned on the TV she reached over to her phone and called her best friend,Connie, to hang out.

"Connie, wanna come over?" She crossed her fingers hoping she'd say yes.

"I'm sorry, I really would but I'm with Guy. I feel bad leaving him."

"He can come." She said.

"Ok, well be there soon." The girl waited for the doorbell to ring and finally it did.

"Hey, come on in." Her friends walked in and sat on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She offered.

"Which one?" Guy asked.

"16 candles?" She suggested.

"Ew no."

"Yes, oh my gosh yes. Come on guy." Connie grabbed his arm and give him big eyes and a pouty lip.

"Ok alright fine." They turned on the TV and put in the disk. They watched the movie and guy fell asleep, and so did connie. Y/N for up to make snacks for when they woke up.

As he friends slept she sat on the couch thinking about her Father. She really hoped he would make an effort to fix things with her.

Her friends woke up and they finished the movie and ate snacks. They turned on a show and began to play truth or dare.

"Connie truth or dare." She proposed.


"Ok, do you have a crush on Guy?" Her cheeks for very red and she began to look away.

"Um, well, you know. Right?" She was very flustered and y/n nodded.

"Ok Y/N truth or dare."

"Dare." She challenged.

"Ok, I dare you to- hold on we need more people. Can I call a few people?" Connie asked.

"Sure my moms working late. Let me just call her to make sure it's okay."

She called her mom and she said it was okay so Connie called up the team to come over. They all arrived one by one. Averman, Jesse, terry, Peter, ect.

They all sat in a circle and degas to play truth or dare. They all got asked questions and were given dates until it came to y/n. They gave her the worst dare.


Word count:1000

Hey guys hope you enjoyed I'm currently writing this in school so yeah. Still don't know who the live interest is gonna be 😬 HELP

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