Chapter 11: Making the playoffs

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Fulton skated down the ice after regaining possession of the puck. He got close enough quickly took his stance then shot. The puck flew forward as everyone jumped out of the way. The puck was shot right I got the goal, it was so powerful the puck ripped the net. The entire team skated out into the ice and hugged Fulton. They had made the playoffs.

In the locker room the team rejoiced as they shook up sodas and opened them. Lewis dumped the cooler onto coach Bombay and everyone cheered even more. It was a really good day for the Ducks.


As a surprise for the ducks Bombay took them a huge skating rink where they met some famous hockey players.

After they were introduced they were all able to play on the ice and just skate around. Guy and Connie skated while holding hands. Tammy was doing some figure skating. Y/n and Charlie skated together. Their hands touched for a split second and they looked at eachother then looked down awkwardly. Y/N's cheeks were coated with a soft pink color as her y/e/c eyes gleamed with joy. They laughed a little then kept skating.

"Can I steal y/n?" Connie asked as she skated over.

"Be my guest." Charlie said. She nudged his shoulder and skated off with Connie.

"I saw that." Connie stated.

"Saw what? There was nothing to see." She defended.

"Sure, whatever you say. But I'm not going to pretend I didn't see you'd hands touch." Y/n opened her to argue but Connie skated away.

She skated back over to Charlie.

"What was that about?" Asked Charlie.

"Oh nothing, Connie was just asking a question." She said.


The ducks took their seats and the game began. Y/n was sitting next to Charlie, who was sitting next to Bombay,of course. She leaned over to see Larson and McGill eyeing Adam. Adam slumped down and she gave him a sympathetic look. He gave her a small smile in return.

The rest of the game was a blast, when the game was almost done we looked up at the screen to see that Bombay had made a special message appear. 

"Welcome Gordon Bombay and the mighty ducks." Everyone cheered at the sight of it. It was a really great day.

—— play offs——

The two teams stood in a single file line as the national anthem was sung. The tension in the air could quite literally be cut with a sword. Everyone eyeing each other. Looking one another up and down. Even the coaches were giving each other the side eye.

The game began and y/n was on the bench to start.

The game was pretty lousy the ducks were losing, Bombay gave them a pep talk and they went on.

Adam skated down the ice and was pushed from behind and slid right into the metal pole on the goal. The puck went in.

Y/n stood up immediately after she saw him take the fall, she hopped over the board and skated fast to Adam.

Over the course of a few weeks, her and Adam had became very good friends.

She kneeled down next to him to see if he was okay.

"Adam, are you okay?" Once she noticed he was unconscious she stood up and went to McGill and shoved him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Adam is seriously hurt and you don't even care." She pushed him again before the ref held her back.

"Ok you two in the box." The ref said.

"No! Get off of me!" She pushed herself out of his grasps and kneeled next to Adam. She put her hand on his back. "Adam,come on.." she sat down next to him before the ref grabbed her by the arm.

"To the box, now." He demanded.

"No! He's hurt, let me see if he's okay." She shoved  the ref really hard and it made him nearly fall.

"Ok, you're out of the game,kid." She fought to get out of his grasps.

"Hey hey, what are you doing?" Bombay said as he hopped on the ice. "So the kid gets to knock my player unconscious, but she's not allowed to see if her friend is okay?" Bombay defended.

"Fine, two minutes in the box once we resume play." She sighed in relief and thanked her coach. He skated out onto the ice and one of the parents called the ambulance.


After amends were made between Jesse and Adam, and Adam was taken to the hospital the game resumed.

The hawks were winning by one point. Y/n got the puck and skated hard down the ice, she faked our every player and shot the puck into the goal. The puck went in and the crowd and her team went wild. She was so proud of herself.

They were tied and Charlie got a free shot. This was his chance to do his triple deke they he had been working on with Bombay.

He skated down the ice and y/n counted.

"1..." he skated further down the ice.

"2..." one more.

"3..." this could be Charlie's big shot.

He swings his puck and in y/n's mind it all went silent.

She was brought back to reality after she herd the buzzer indicating that they had won. They all cheers and ran onto the ice. The whole team rejoiced Bombay went straight to Charlie and they hugged.

Y/n looked over to see her best friends getting their first kiss and of course she had to ruin the moment, it was her job as their best friend.

"Awwww!" She exclaimed

"Oh hush,you."Connie laughed.

After the rejoicing the team had settled done and got dressed.

She walked out do the locker room and waited outside for her mom to come out.

She felt a tap on the shoulder and she turned around. She was expecting her mother but when she turned around she saw her best friend, Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, great job today!" She said while pulling him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her. They stood there in eachothers embrace for a moment before pulling away.

"Look, y/n...I know you like me." He said with a grin.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.


"Oh, gosh, I- I'm really embarrassed." She looked down at her feet.

"Don't be, because I like you too." She looked up as her eyes widened.

"You do?" She asked.

"Wasn't it obviously?"

"Probably, but I'm oblivious,so." Charlie laughed before looking into her y/e/c eyes. He leaned and planted a small kiss on her lips.

Her cheeks turned bright red and she couldn't help but smile.

"Well, bye." He waved at her and she stood there in shock.

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