Chapter 3:Hawks game

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Y/N walked home after getting hot chocolate with her friends. She walked into the house and slouched at the table.

"How was practice?" Her mom asked.

"It was alright. We got a new coach."

"What's their name?" Her mom say across from her at the table with her coffee.

"Gordon Bombay, or something like that. A jerk if I've ever seen one." She complained.

Her mom stayed silent with a look of shock on her face.

"Mom?" She stood up and walked over to her mom. "What's a matter."

"I have to tell you something.." her mom took her by the hand and walked her to the couch.


"My dad? The new coach is my...Dad?" She was in shock, she new the name was familiar but she would've never guessed it was her father.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was gonna tell you when you were older.Are you angry with me?"

"No. Just a little surprised. Why did he leave?"

"We were very young. We got into an argument and.. I told him not to bother being in your life." She looked ashamed.

"How old were you guys?" She asked.

"We were 16 and 17. Here we are 12 years later."

"Oh. Did I ever meet him?"

"I guess you could say you did. When you were born, he came to the hospital. After he met you he left." Her mother twiddled with her thumbs. "I want you to understand that you don't have to tell him you're his daughter yet, just when you're ready.although he may know. He doesn't know what I named you. " Her mother reassured.


"WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN!" The hawks were chanting so loud it was irritating Y/N.

"Gosh they're annoying." She rolled her eyes.

"And this is news to you?" Connie asked.

They all took turns one by one hitting Goldberg's pads.

"Ow! Ouch!ow!"

Charlie went up and knocked Goldberg over. They started fight because he accused him of doing it on purpose. Charlie started taunting him and hitting him with a stick.

Y/n looked over at the bleachers to see a familiar face. Fulton Reed. Who knew he was interested in hockey?

They took their positions and Guy,Jesse,and Terry were at the face off.

"What's this, the oreo line?" He taunted.

Even though Averman wasn't on the ice everyone could hear him.

"Hum batter batter, hum batter batter-" she stopped listening and took her spot.

The hawks had no problem scoring the first goal of the game. Adam skated over back to his side and on the way he knocked off jesses helmet.
"That's one!"

No one messes with Y/N's team. As he skated by her she put out her foot and tripped him.

She looked down at him and said: "that's one!" She skated away and went on the bench.

"Nice!" Guy held up his hand for a high five and she slapped his hand.

"How lazy can you be? They're killing us our there." The girl rolled her eyes ashamed that he was her father.

" How many times do I have to tell you: Get those rebounds, get your heads up, get those loose pucks. Get - Just - Just get the hell outta here."

Everyone rolled their eyes. Why should they care what he thought. He was just another guy doing community service.

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