Chapter 12: Dad.

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After charlie walked away she get another tap on her shoulder. She turned around once again expecting her mother but was surprised when she came face to face with her father.

"Oh hi, I thought you were my mom." She laughed a bit.

"I can confidently say that I am,Not your mom. But I did want to talk to you." He said.

"What about?" She asked.

"Well I wanted to tell you that I thought you did great today."

"Thank you." She smiled big.

"And I also wanted to say that I'm really proud of how far you've come. When I first met you again you were this shy little girl standing at the back of the crowd, you didn't really know how to skate, or the basics of hockey, but now you are extraordinary." Her grin became a giant smile.

"I have really enjoyed getting to know you and work with you,y/n. You're a really great kid, and I wish I didn't miss out on so much of your life. I hate that I missed so much, your first steps, first words, first birthday. And I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is growing up without a dad and I'm sorry I put you through that."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. She looked at him and gave him a big hug.

"It's okay, Dad." The feeling of being able to call him 'dad' was the most surreal moment. She had Waited her life to call somebody her dad. When he heard the word 'dad' he hugged her tighter and they stayed like that for a good 40 seconds, before pulling away.

"I really want you to be apart of my life. Can you?" She asked quietly.

"Of course I will." They smiled at each other.


Y/n loved being abler to have a dad. When Bombay went off to join the minors, she had to say goodbye to her dad again. She was really disappointed but he promised to have her come visit and they made her really happy.

She was the happiest she had ever been, it felt great to have a mom, a dad, and a boy-friend.


I'm gonna make a second book y'all don't worry! Sorry this story was so short! Had a lot of fun writing it. ❤️

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