Chapter 6: prank call

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"Ok, truth or dare?"

"Dare." She challenged.

"Hmm. Ok, Y/N I dare you to prank call Larson,McGill, or Adam and tell them you like them." Her face dropped at Karl's dare.

"What? I don't even know their number."

Averman dropped a phone book on her lap.

"Find it then." She rolled her eyes and flipped through the pages and stopped on Adams number.

"(612) 309-7936" she recited the number as she punched them in and the phone rang.

"Hello?" A gruff voice answered the phone.

"Uh, hi. Can I speak to Adam." She asked politely.

"Who's this?" The man asked.

"A friend from school." She lied. They were far from friends.

"Um, hi? Who's this?" Adam asked.

"It's Y/N...I have to tell you something." She bit down on her cheek and she got embarrassed.

"Okay?" He seemed annoyed.

"I like you." She said faintly. She looked at her friends who were laughing.

"Well I don't like you." He hung up the phone and they all started laughing so hard.

"Imagine if he said he liked you back." Peter fell backwards as he grabbed his stomach and gagged.

"If he did, I would feel so bad telling him it was a prank." They all laughed more and concluded their game of  Truth or dare.

"What should we do now?" Jesse asked.

"I know-" Averman started.

"No." Y/N interrupted. Avermans ideas were always troublesome.

"Uh, well we could...." Connie gasped "ooo I know! I know! We should do a bake off! Who can make the better cake." She suggested.

"Yes! Two teams: Jesse, averman,Goldberg,guy, and Connie. And me, terry,Peter,Charlie, and karp." She split the two teams up team one was in the kitchen one room over and her team was in the main kitchen. There was cake ingredients and decor in both rooms.

"Ok we need a plan! Any ideas." She asked.

"An Alien cake." Karps face lit up and they all agreed.

"An alien cake it is!" She got out the ingredients and they started baking.

"Ok, You guys mix this." She handed Charlie a bowl of unmixed cake mix. He began mixing it.

"Can we dye it, please?" Once again Peter gave her those damn puppy dog eyes and she gave in. They dyed it purple? They said it seemed more "alieny" while they were mixing she went over to the other kitchen to check up on them.

"Hey how's it- oh wow." She looked at all the flour on the floor and looked at Connie. "We'll clean it." She picked up the broom and swept it up. She walked back to her team and helped them put it in the oven.

While the cakes baked the boys watched TV. She began to make the frosting. Peter pulled up a step stool.

"Can I help?" He offered. Peter was very rude at times, but she had a soft spot for him. And he had one for her.

Peter struggled to make friends in school but Y/N helped him fit in. She convinced him to join hockey and even taught him how to skate. They were very important to eachother. He looked up to her like an older sister.

"Sure. Pour this in. And turn on the mixer slowly." She warned. They made the vanilla frosting and dyed it bright green to make an alien colour.

The cakes are done cooking so she put. Them outside in the snow to cool. She placed them in the snow and laid at towel over it and anchored the towel down with rocks. As they waited for them to cool they cleaned up the kitchen and helped the other team, and by they I mean Y/N. The kitchens were spotless and ready just in case her mother came home early.


The cakes were done cooling and she took them inside and started assembling she staked three 2'' tall cakes on top of eachother. They used extra cake and frosting to make cake balls. They used green candy melts and black and white decorating icing to make 6 eyes they stuck them ok the top of the cake only for them to drop sideways. They put it behind a board and the other team walked four either their cake hidden.

"On three reveal the cakes ok? 1...2....3" they all revealed their cakes.  Connies team had made a beautiful chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and Oreos cut in half on top and Oreo crumbs.  It was clear who had one but everyone seemed to have a good laugh at the alien cake.

"That is the best cake ever." Connie exclaimed.

"Yeah,y/n, looks like you." Averman joked.

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically "well yours is definitely more...technical, but ours, is more fun. So by default we win." They all stated arguing playfully and they decided it was a tie.

Everyone had some cake and took Some home for their family and she was left with a quarter of each cake. She had a lot of fun. She had been so happy that she was with the people she cared about. Her mother got home and they ate dinner and she went to bed. She was so tired she slept in her clothes from that day.

She went to bed thinking about how she loved her team. She was very lucky. She turned on her guided sleep mediations and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow she got to sleep in. Her favorite thing. She had no where to be and nothing to do. But if she was gonna do one thing tomorrow it would be see her father. She wanted to make things right. Not just for her sake but for his and her moms. She wanted to move on.

She had wondered if he had moved on, moved on from her, moved on from trying. But who knows? She'll find out tomorrow or the next day or the day after that.


Word count:1000

Hey guys how you liking it? Still don't know who the love interest will be yikes! Comment! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days I've been busy with school. Thanks so much for the support. Love you guys.

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