Chapter 8: The ducks?

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"The ducks? We're the ducks?" Jesse looked at the jerseys with disgust.

"What brain dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter taunted.

"As a matter of fact,I did. I didn't have a choice. We're being sponsored."

"By who Donald and daisy?" Averman joked.

" Hey, you don't wanna be Ducks? You'd rather be District Five? Some stupid number?" Bombay defended.

"Better than some stupid animal." Peter shot back.

"I'll have you know, Peter, that the Duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom."

"But they're wimpy." Connie complained.

"They don't even have any teeth." Guy added.

"Neither do hockey players," The team laughed.

"Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die.Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock. Oh, man!"

He took off his jacket and revealed his ducks jersey.

"I'm proud to be a duck. And I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?" He asked.

"I'll be a duck." Fulton stood up and went to get his jersey.

"Yeah. Me too." Charlie followed Fulton.

"I wanna be a duck." Y/n stood up and Bombay handed the jersey to her. One by one everyone went up and then the whole team was digging in the box for their jersey.

Y/N looked at her jersey #14. It was her lucky number.

"Anybody see Goldberg?" She handed him his jersey.

"Now we're the ducks! The mighty ducks! What are we?" Bombay cheered.

"The Ducks!" They chanted.


They team was practicing with Fulton the only way he was taught. With football.

" Every time you get the puck, you're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him, let him know it's comin'. Come on, guys. This isn't a library. Talk to each other."

"What a weird ass team." Two boys from the other team commented.

"You ready?" Bombay asked Fulton.

"Think so."

"Ok, Fulton shoot your heart out." Bombay dropped a bunch of pucks on the ice and Fulton began to shoot away.

He missed quite a few but I don't think anyone was paying attention to that. Everyone was dumbfounded watching him shoot away. It was truly amazing.

Before the game Bombay got us all together and gave us a pep talk.

"Quack quack quack!" He started chanting and everyone followed.

"Gooo ducks!" Everyone cheered and took their places on the ice.

The game was going great and they were winning.

The other team shot a puck and it hit Karps  helmet and ricocheted onto the floor.

He laid on the floor and Bombay took off his helmet.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.

"He wouldn't know that anyways." Peter teased.

"Shut up Peter, karp are you okay?"

"Woah look at this." Guy handed the helmet to Averman. The helmet had a giant dent in it from the puck.

"Oo the karpster used his head to stop the puck." Averman announced.

Bombay helped him up and and helped him  skate off the ice.


The game ended and they won! They were stoked. Bombay had found out they had a chance to make the playoffs. They were ecstatic that they had made it so far.


A week later they were in the locker room and Bombay walked out for a moment to go talk to someone and they continued to get ready.

"Connie?" Y/n yelled.


"Where'd you go? I needa tell you something."

"Over here." She saw connie's fingertips from over the lockers waving her over.

"Ok so what'd you need to tell me?" She asked.

"Ok, I think I like someone." She said quietly.

"What?! Who?" Connie yelped.

"Shhhhh." Connie covered her mouth with her hands. "Ok you're gonna think I'm crazy but it's..Charlie."

"pshh I know. It's obvious." Connie said nonchalantly.

"It is?" Y/n but down on her fingernails.

"A little but Charlie's oblivious so it's ok- but how is that gonna work if your parents like eachother?" Connie points out.

"Well- oh. I never thought about that. Technically they're not married soo.."

Connie laughed at her comment. The locker room door opened and in walked Bombay.

"Hey, why aren't you guys in uniform? We got warm-ups in half an hour." He paused before continuing " Alright, everyone , listen up. I got some good news, we're getting a new player Adam banks." The entire team started yelling and arguing.

"He's a hawk." Someone argued.

"He's a good player." Bombay shot back.


"Everybody hates him."

"We don't need him."

"Well,I'm the coach and I say we do. If we make it to the playoffs he could be a big help." Bombay said.

"If? All the sudden you think we're not good enough?" Karp asked.

"No he thinks we're losers. That's what he told Reilly." Peter said.

"What? That's not what I meant."

After arguing Peter,terry,and Jesse walked out.

"All right, I'm goin' up to the bench because that's where I'm supposed to be.

"Anyone who wants to join me can join me. Anyone who doesn't -" Bombay walked out and not long after him almost everyone else walked out. It was just Y/N,Charlie,and Fulton.

They skated out into the ice dropping their helmets on the way.

"We forfeit." Bombay told the ref. They all walked back to the locker room and got changed. They all decided to go to mickeys diner together since the game was not going to happen. Bombay drove all of them and they hopped out and sat at the bar.

"Hey Guys. What are you all doing here, that game just started." Casey asked.

"It was cancelled. We had to forfeit." Charlie answered.

"Oh. Well what can I get you guys?" Casey asked.

She wrote down the orders and went to go make them.


Word count: 1012

Hey guys I'm writing the next one today so yeah.

-xxx gracie

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