Chapter 9:Coaches pet

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A few days later Charlie and y/n went to his moms diner to hang out. They were sitting  at the bar, Charlie was talking to his mom, and even though y/n wasn't eligible to order off the kids menu anymore, Casey always gave her a kids menu that had a section on the back to play games like tic-tac-toe, mazes,and coloring/drawing area. Casey also gave her crayons to color with. Y/N was pretty mature for her age but couldn't resist drawing.

As she was coloring and drawing,Bombay came in.

"Hey,can I sit?" He asked.

"Sure." He took a seat next to Charlie.

"You talk to the guys?" Bombay asked.  Y/n turned in her chair to talk to him.

"We tried. They think we're traitors for even showing up." Y/N chimed in.

"Guess they really hate me,huh?" He gave out a small airy laugh.

"Is it true that you were really a hawk." Charlie asked.

"Yeah." He looked down a shamed.

"Peter said you blew a really big game once." Y/N added.

"It was the last game of the state finals. We were tied  -  in the end of the third period. I get a penalty shot." He explained. "

I go in, I triple deke. I fake the goalie right out of his pads. The puck's headed in, and then... Clang! Hits the post. We lost in overtime. A quarter of an inch this way and it would have gone in. A quarter of an inch."

"Yeah, but a quarter inch the other way and you'd have missed completely." Charlie said reassuringly.

"I never thought of it that way."

"At least you got to play in a championship game. That must've been so cool."Charlie looked out into space and it was quite obvious that he was imagining himself in Bombay's position.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee?" Casey asked Bombay.

"I'd love one." He replied back. They were making Googly eyes at each other and to say the least y/n was repulsed.

"Bleh, adults flirting." She said with a revolting tone.

"Alright,alright." Bombay said laughing.

"You know, she has many fine qualities that men find attractive."Charlie pointed out which causes y/n to roll her eyes.

"Yeah,I know Charlie,that fact haven't escaped me." Bombay said.

As they talked y/n colored and they started talking about if he was coming over for dinner and she turned away from them,annoyed they he had said he wanted to try to be a better father, and still hasn't done anything to change their relationship. She tuned in at the last part where Bombay was talking about how he was having Jesse and Terry's dad coach them.

Charlie blew up and ran out,which left Bombay and y/n.

"You mad at me too?" He asked his daughter.

"No." Not for that reason anyway,she had plenty of other reasons to be upset with her father.

She hopped down off her chair.

"Bye coach." She waved goodbye to him and Casey and headed home.

She walked slowly dragging her feet. She stopped by the drug store to buy some a packet of razzles. She placed them on the counter and the cashier rand up my total. She placed a few coins on the counter and continued her walk home.

When She got home, She decided to go to the attic again to see what was up there. She gently climbed up the ladder. She walked over to the boxes of photos again and looked through them.

There was so many photos of her Mother and Father.

There was a picture of her parents in the back of a pickup truck laying with each other at a drive in movie,and a photo of them at a carnival. They seemed so happy.

She got up and walked over to another box, she looked through it and found a small velvet box and a picture taped to it.

It was her dad in front of her mom holding the same velvet box. There was a piece of paper in the box and it said:

"To Emerson, I love you more than you know. This isn't an engagement ring,but a place holder for that; a promise ring. Since were going to be parents, I wanted you to know I will be with you through it all. Even if we don't last, even I'd you don't want me in her life, I will love you both forever and always.


She looked down at the note and nearly cried. It was so sweet and cute. He really was in love with her mom. It seems that there is no chance they'll get back together. But as her Mom always says, "when there's a way,there's a will." 

She went back down and closed the attic.

Connie and y/n walked into school side by side as they always did. They met up with guy and Charlie. They walked into science and the whole team just looked at them with disgust. No one said anything because the teacher was in the the room. 

After a very boring lecture, the teacher left the room for a moment and that's when chaos happened.

"How'd the forfeit go spazway?" Karp teased.

"Yeah, did you score?" Peter jeered.

"Leave me alone,guys. I don't wanna talk about the team." Charlie looked down at his atoms.

"Oh yeah sure,coaches pet. Everyone knows he likes you the best." Y/n rolled her eyes at Peter comment.

"Likes his mom, you mean." Now that was the final straw. Charlie Conway had lost it.

"Take it back,Karp! Take it back now!" Charlie yelled.

Connie got up and pushed karp off of him.

"Leave him alone." Connie said.

Then Peter got up and went at it and pushed Connie.

"You have no right shoving Karp." And as Peter pushed her Guy got up. 

"Don't push her,she's a girl!" Guy defended.

Everyone got up and was pushing and shoving. Tommy hid under his desk and everyone started through atoms.

And that's then the principal came in.

"Sit down! Sit down now!"

Everyone rushed back to their seats except Charlie. His chair was missing so he just stood up and looked as innocent as can be.

"I have never in my- what do you have to say for yourselves." The principle was astonished at what they did next.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" And everyone started chanting too.


Word count:1090

Hey Guys sorry for not updating, I was lazy.LOL but here you go.

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