Chapter 2:new coach

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They stood in front of the limo and waited to see who was in there. The team murmured and decided that it was a drug dealer. The man popped out and Jesse stepped forward. Y/N nicknamed his 'big mouth' and you're about to see why.

"Yo, dude. You obviously in the wrong hood. This is my dominion. This is a drug-free zone, you understand? We ain't buyin' nothin' I'm feelin' generous today. So I'm gonna let you get your sorry vanilla bootie outta here... before we be usin' your eyeballs as hockey pucks." Most of the team laughed but some stayed silent.

" Thanks, bro, but I'm not goin' home 'til I take care of business."

He reached into his pocket and everyone skated back slowly.

"He's got a gun." Someone whispered. He pulled it out of his pocket and it was in fact nor a gun but a piece of paper.

"District 5 peewee hockey team. I'm Gordon Bombay. I'm the new coach."

"Gordon Bombay.." Y/N whispered to herself. She remembered that distinct name.

"Yeah right." Jesse shot back at him.

"Afraid so, dude. Got the roster right here." He started listing off the names. " Averman, Dave. Conway,Charlie. Hall,Terry. Hampton,....y/n." He said Y/N's name reluctantly as if her name was familiar as well.

"Here's the long and the short of it, I hate hockey and I don't like kids."

"What is this supposed to be, a pep talk?" Peter snarled.

"I'm sure this'll be a real bonding experience. Maybe one day one of you will even write a book about it in jail."

"Funny." Someone said blandly.

"Is there a goalie?" He asked.

Goldberg slightly raised his hand.

"Only for a little while. I'm moving back to Philly."

"Thank you for sharing that."

"No problem."

"Alright, get out on the ice. Let me see what you can do." He pointed to the ice as if they didn't know where it was located.

"Uh, just so you know, We really suck." Averman warned.

"I'll decide who sucks around here."

Y/ N skated over to Connie.

"It won't take long for him to decide." She joked.

"It'll be fine. I think." Connie didn't even seem to believe herself.

They got into their positions and let's just say Bombay made his decision really quickly.

"The Pete-meister. Mr. Rabble-rouser. Passing the puck over toJesse-roonie, the enforcer." I guess you could say that Connie was over his jokes because she skated over and pushed him down.

"Oh, it's the Connie-meister, the velvet hammer."

"Shut up, Averman." Y/N was so annoyed with Averman and the day has barley even started.
Connie skated over to the new coach and started talking. While she was talking with him Y/N skated over to Charlie.

"Charlie, dose that coach seem...familiar to you?"

"No. I don't think so. Why?" He asked.

"Just wondering.."

"So what do we do" Someone asked.

"What did your old coach have you do?"

"He just yelled a lot."

"That's how he hurt his arm." Peter chimed in.

"His arm?"

"Yeah, one minute he's yelling at us, "Little bastards, where'd you learn to play? Oh, you suck, you! Skate, you little bast-"" Peter grabbed his arm while gasping for air and fell backwards.

Peter could never grasp the whole heart attack concept so he just called it "his arm injury".

"Heart attack. Great." Bombay rolled his eyes.

"All right, look. I gotta make a phone call. Keep scrimmaging. You, you, you, you and you against you five."

"We have names you know." Goldberg pointed out.

"I'm sure you do. And I'll be they're even nice names. I might even learn 'em. For now I'll be in my office, If you need anything fax me." Bombay got back into his limo and shut the door.

"What a jerk."

"I hate him already." Y/N complained.

" Where do they find these coachesanyways? We're impressionable kids, right Shouldn't we check his qualifications or somethin'?"

"I have an idea." Averman eyes lit up and he explained his idea.

"Ok, one...two...three...GO!" Jesse shouted. All at once they jumped on his car rocking it back and fourth.  Bombay yelled at them and they opened the door and climbed in. They grabbed his phone, took his glass cups and Peter was bugging the driver.

"I feel like Madonna!" Connie flipped her hair.

"You wish." Y/N teased.

Not too long later they started chanting "we want a ride! Hey!" And everyone was chanting.

"Take 'em for a spin!Anything!" They all cheered and the limo started moving.

"ew I smell something." Y/n covered her nose with a scarf.

"Goldberg!" Everyone yelled.

"It wasn't me I swear!" He was not very convincing.

"Young man,what did you eat?"Bombay yelled

"Nothing, it wasn't me!"

As always, all fun must come to an end, Charlie's mom ran out onto the ice furious.

"Oh man, it's my mom. She looks pissed." Charlie's face dropped. He felt bad that his mom would ruin it.

"Alright, out. Everybody, out of the car right now!" She opens the door and everyone hopped out.

"Goldberg why'd you have to ruin the fun." Averman slumped over.

As Bombay and Casey fought over driving on the ice they all stayed silent.

"Come on,Charlie." She stomped away. As hard as she was stopping you'd think she'd crack the ice.

"Mom-" Charlie frowned. "Sorry my mom ruined the fun, guys."

"It's alright, Charlie."y/n put a hand on his shoulder.

"Coach, gonna be at the game tomorrow?" Charlie asked coach.

"By order of the state of Minnesota, yeah." He was visibly agitated.

"Let's go, Y/N." Connie suggested "let's get hot chocolate."

"I'll come!" Peter said.

"Alright,come on."

They walked off the lake and towards the road. They walked down the street and turned the corner to the street to mickeys diner. There was a game against the Hawks tomorrow. They were not prepared.


Word count:1003

Hey guys hope you liked my new chapter. I have a lot of fun writing these especially when you guys enjoy them! Comment suggestions.

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