Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s pov

Maggie and I sat next to each other in history. Early as always.

I didn't saw Katie at her desk. normally she is early too.

"What did you do to her (y/n)." Maggie joked.

"O shut up mag."

"No really how was it?" Maggie questioned.

"She helped me with the history project. When we were done we watched a movie and" at that moment Katie came in. We locked eyes for a while and then I looked back at Maggie. "we eh we cuddled. She wrapped her arms around me and I let it." I blushed. "Wait I have a picture." I grabbed my phone and looked the picture up and showed it to Maggie. "Awhh super cute."


The class ended. I packed my bag slowly.

Other students were leaving and when everyone was gone Maggie and I stood up.

"(Y/n) can I speak to you?" I looked over at Katie, nodded at her and then looked back at Maggie. I told her that she could go and see her when I'm done. She looked at me with an interesting face.

The door closed. I walked closer to Katie. "Is something wrong?" I asked worried.

"No nothing is wrong. I wanted to give you your book back. You forgot it at my place."

"O." She handed A little life back our hands touching. My heart skipped a beat and my face turned red. "Thanks."


School was done and I stayed at Maggie's place to help her with math.

"So what did she want from you this morning?"

"O I forgot my book."

"Do you get another 'tutor' from her?" Maggie spoke.

"I have no idea. We didn't plan anything." I spoke with disappointment in my voice.

Maggie walked up to me and hugged me. "Hee (y/n) it's gonna be fine with you two. The way she looked at you..."

 "What way?" I interrupted her. 

"She's not gonna give up on you (y/n)." I  smiled at what she said.


(A/N: sorry it is short. I have plans for the next chapter. Also sorry that I haven't updated in a while.)

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