Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s pov

Katie left to go home and a few minutes later Madelaine and Camila arrived. They settled themselves on the couch.

I walked in the living room and got on the couch.

"Did you had a nice night?" Camila said smirking.

"Yeah." I replied.

"We can see that." Madelaine added and Camila pointed to my neck.

I got my phone and opened the camera to see what they meant.

"Damn it. Katie." I murmured. They're was a hickey in my neck.

Camila and Madelaine started laughing. "So what happened?" Camila spoke.

"Katie and I are dating."

"Isn't that a little to soon?" Madelaine asked.

"Yeah its soon I know. But we really like each other..." I got interrupted bu Camila.

"Duh." She said.

"We wanted to give it a try and if it don't work out and we find out it really is to soon, we go back to being friends and take it slow."

"I'm happy for you (y/n), the last time when I come over your a lot happier than before. I think she is good for you." Madelaine said.

"Thanks Maddie." I walked over to Madelaine to give her a hug.

"Yeah what she said. You were really excited that first school day when you came home. I could definitely tell back than that something had happened." Camila spoke. I gave her a hug too.

"But did something happened las night?" Camila still wanted to know.

"We kissed but nothing more. We're taking it slow." I commented.

Katie's pov

I got to the living room where Melissa and Azie were.

"Where is the rest?" I asked them.

"They're walking with Oisin." Azie replied. "How did it go?" She added.

"I'll tell you when the rest is back."

My phone buzzed.

(Y/n): I told Mad and C
(Y/n): they're happy for us
Me: I haven't told them yet
Me: they're walking with Oisin
Me: I'll text you when I told them.
(Y/n): I'm seeing Mag tomorrow and tell her than.
(Y/n): did you had to place that damn hickey
(Y/n) C and mad found out
(Y/n): i forgot to hide it

I let out a chuckle. Earning confused faces from Melissa and Azie.

Me: sorry <3
(Y/n): I really had a nice time with you Kate
Me: I had too, miss you already :(
(Y/n): I'll see you soon

The door opened, Nicole, Chyler and Andrea entered.

"Hey Katie." Chyler said.

"Hii." I spoke back. "Come sit I need to tell you guys something." They took a seat on the couch and let me continue.

"(Y/n) and I are dating." I announced. They screamed from excitement and hugged me one by one.

"I'm happy for you guys. You two really make a cute couple." Azie said.

(A/n: this is just a filler chapter. Thats why its so short.)

Lost without you (Katie McGrath x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now