Chapter 15

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(Y/n) told Maggie that she and Katie were dating and was super happy for them.

Katie and (y/n) has seen each other everyday for over three weeks. The only thing was that (y/n) still got work. She almost lived at Katie's place. She was there more that she was at her own place. They growth super close too each other.

(Y/n)'s pov

We were cuddled up in bed watching a movie.

"(Y/n) can I talk to you?" Katie asked.

"Yes. Of course. Is everything oke?" I replied.

"I wanted to visit my parents in Ireland this vacation. I haven't seen them in a while..." I nodded. "And I would like if you came with me." She spoke nervous.

"I would love to go with you. You're parents don't know we're dating right?"

"They don't. I want to tell them if we're there."

"Are you staying at their house or somewhere else?" I asked.

"At theirs why?" She answered.

"Do they know your bringing me? And if you gonna tell them we're dating, what if they don't like me or that they don't accept you dating a girl." I said desperate.

"They know you're coming. They'll love you (y/n). I'm almost sure they'll accept it. But to be fair I am kinda nervous to tell them."

Katie pulled me into a passionate deep kiss.

"When were you planning on leaving?" I asked her.

"In 2 days if you're okay with that. I first want to go to a hotel and view you a few beautiful places and after that go to my parents house. Rory and Sean will be there too."

"I'd like that. Sounds great!"

I came home from work. I had to babysit a five year old twin named Mia and Nia. They're both full of energy and they have taken away all my energy.

I settled myself on the couch exhausted and quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I packed my suitcase and a bag for the trip to Ireland. I've never been in Ireland, I always wanted to go there some day.

I took a shower and changed into comfy but not too sloppy clothes

Katie would pick me up at 1pm and the plane left at 4.

Madelaine and Camila were in the living room. I gave Camila a tight long hug.

"I'm gonna miss you (y/n/n)." Camila said kind of anxious. This was the first time I left Camila going to another Country. She knew I would be safe with Katie. Camila just felt like she couldn't protect me if I'm gone.

"I'm going to miss you too C." Her eyes started tearing up a little. "I'll be okay. I've Katie, she'll take care of me. I'll text you every day. We can call." I broke the hug with Camila and hugged Madelaine.

"Take care of Camila." I whispered into Madelaine's ear. "Gonna miss you Maddie."

"Awh I'm gonna miss you too kiddo." Madelaine replied.

"In all honesty, I even gonna miss you calling me kiddo." I said chuckling.

Katie texted me. I broke the hug with Madelaine and said my last goodbyes.

"Have fun shorty." Camila called after me.

The plane was about to land. The whole flight I wanted to cuddle with Katie, place my head on her shoulder, but I couldn't.

Lost without you (Katie McGrath x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now