Big News

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Two days becomes one week then becomes a month. Wooyoung has been living with San for approximately a month now. He starts to get a hang of it and more loose around San and his mother.

Wooyoung woke up feeling lightheaded and his stomach grumbles as he felt the need to go the bathroom. San woke up because of the movement the other causes then squinted his eyes. The omega fell onto his knees and faced the toilet bowl then threw up. "Wooyoung, are you alright?!" San said worriedly while patting the other's back. Wooyoung felt something in the inside of his stomach, it's like something was pushing the food out of his body to make a room for itself.

"I don't feel well and kind of dizzy," Shortly after, the omega fainted in San's arms. The alpha shakes Wooyoung's figure and checks his pulse. Thankfully his pulse is still there. San quickly put Wooyoung on the bed and told Mingi to call a doctor.

Minutes passed by and the doctor arrived. San told the doctor what happened then starts to ask him some questions while checking Wooyoung's heartbeat and also body temperature. 

"Have you had sex with him?" The doctor asks San who was sitting beside his mate. "Yes, I have," He answered while feeling pretty shy. "He's fine, he just had his first-morning sickness maybe," Then the doctor added, "After he wakes up, tell him to take a pregnancy test," while handing San a pregnancy test in a small box. "Alright then, thank you for checking on him," As San was about to pay the doctor, he pushed his hand away and shakes his head. "No, it's my duty to serve the king, you don't have to pay me," He smiled then took his leave.

San puts the pregnancy test on the bedside table and starts to think about him being a dad. He would be very happy if his lover is pregnant with his child. The alpha continued to daydream about being a dad, not realizing him smiling so wide from the thoughts.

The younger woke up feeling hazy, just like someone slams his head onto a wall. He rubs his forehead from the pain then looked to his side. When he turned his head, he sees San sleeping while holding his hand. He thought that it was cute and smiled seeing how the alpha sleep-pouts.

Not long after, San wakes up and saw his mate caressing his head. "Good afternoon, sleepyhead," Wooyoung said while letting out a giggle. "I'm not a sleepyhead, but do you feel better?" The older said and moved his hand position from holding Wooyoung's hand to hugging his waist. "Kind of, I'm sorry that I blacked out," Wooyoung looked down feeling embarrassed. "Don't be sorry and also I called a doctor to check what was wrong with you and he said that you were alright, but then-" San stopped midway through his sentence to show the pregnancy test and added, "He said that you might be pregnant and the cause of you throwing up was morning sickness, so he ordered me to tell you to take a pregnancy test".

The omega couldn't believe what he was hearing. Morning sickness? Pregnancy? What the fuck, Wooyoung thought. "S-so you want me to take one?" He felt nervous about what the future awaits him when he becomes a mother. "If you don't want to take it right now then it's alright, just do it whenever you're ready, love," The other said while placing the pregnancy test back on the bedside table.

San puts both of his hands on his mate's shoulder and started to release his calming pheromones. "I know being parents would not be easy, but hey, you're not alone to take care of them and making them happy," The alpha tried to calm him down then kissed his forehead. Wooyoung bites his lower lip, deciding about should he take the pregnancy test or not.

"I-I'll take the test now," The omega said hesitantly and feeling nervous. "Are you sure?" His mate asked while being worried. "Yup, I'm kind of curious too, to be honest," Wooyoung grabs the test from the bedside table and started to walk towards the bathroom. "Alright then, Woo," Says San who's going to sit on the couch near the big glass window.

Wooyoung's POV

As I entered the bathroom, I immediately started to tremble a bit since it's pretty nerve-racking for me. Never thought about me being a mother or even marrying San in a million years.

I take out the test and read the information at the back of the box and taking in a deep breath. Sitting on a toilet has never been so nerve-racking and stressful in my entire life, but here I go.

After taking the test, I left it on the sink counter and wait for it to show the results. Walking back and forth waiting, thinking, and biting my nails because of the pressure.

What and how am I going to say it to San when it turns out to be positive? What if he doesn't want a baby? Gosh, this is so stressful.

A few minutes passed by and I grab the test that's on the sink counter while closing the results. "Alright, Jung Wooyoung, calm down, take a deep breath," My heart started to beat so fast as I slowly drag my finger to show the results.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

End of Wooyoung's POV

The two red lines showed up in front of Wooyoung's eyes, signing that he's confirmed pregnant. He broke down in tears while covering his mouth. "I'm going to be a mother...Me?" The omega still couldn't believe what he witnessed.

After a couple of minutes, Wooyoung heard a knock from the door behind him. "Wooyoung, are you alright? Can I come in?" San said through the other side of the door. "S-sure," The younger prepared himself to tell the big news to his mate.

"So, what's the result? Hey, why are you crying? Baby, come here," San saw Wooyoung's wet cheeks and red eyes. He pulled him in for a warm hug and rubs the other's back. The older saw the test on top of the sink counter, but couldn't see the result. After his lover calmed down, he then grabs the test from the sink counter. "Just see it for yourself," Wooyoung hand the test over onto San's palm.

The alpha then saw the two red lines. "D-does this means that you're pregnant?" San said haltingly. His mate nodded while looking at the ground and chewing his bottom lip. San lifts Wooyoung, making him sit on his shoulders while smiling so wide because of the happiness that he felt. "I'm going to be a dad!" When the older said those words, it makes Wooyoung's face lit up. He felt happy and relieved too, knowing that San is very excited about being a parent and having a child.

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