chapter 10

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I  UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I couldn't see. I felt as if I was drifting on a light fluffy cloud.

I wasn't sure where I was or what I should do, but the more I tried to make sence of my sourroundings the more calm I got. I knew somewhere deep in my mind that I should be afraid, but I couldn't find the emotion.

I looked around the dark space I occupied.

I realized it wasn't as never ending as I had first thought, there were walls, barly noticible because of the darkness sorrounding me but they were there.

I am trapped in a box

I still felt no emotion as if someone had flipped an off switch on them.

I walked with my poor vision toward a wall and ran my hand along it till my fingers hit a small har object attached to the door.

a handle

Again no emotion came to me, no excitement or fear or anything.

I pulled the knob, for less of a better option and I stepped outside. The outside was frightening, I almost felt like going back inside the box, but when I turned to the door it was gone. I turned back to the forest infront of me and I instantly knew which direction to go.

I've been here before

Nothing was out of place not a lleaf or even a beam of filtered sunlight it was exactly the same as the dreeam.

I'm sleeping. wake up!!

I started hyperventalating .

atleat my emotions are back.

If this was anything like my dream then the creepy black hole would show up soon.

I ran in the opposite direction.

I kept running and I didn't stop till I reached place I'd never seen befor, It was rocky and filled rainbow colored  water filled every crevess. 

It was beautiful.

It wasn't like anything I'd ever seen, I leaned forward to brush my ffingertips along it. It had a warm feeling like a hot tub but it was thicker than water. It remnded me of thee black hole only not so scary. It invoked a feeling of comfort inside me when I felt it.

I was so deep in thought I didn't realize I wasn't alone any longer, until I turned aroud and I ran into someones hard chest.

"Hey!" I yelled as I fell to the ground.

"Hey!" he mocked.

I looked up at him ready to let him have it, but once I laid my eyes on him I stopped. He had light brown hair and brown soulful eyes. Somehow I felt like we'd met.

"Have we met before?" I asked

He didn't answer he just stared at me

After a few minutes of uncomfertable  staring in silence I cleared my throat to catch his attention.He blinked and looked away but didn't show any signs of being embarressed.

What a weirdo

He obviously wasn't going to help me up off the ground so I sttarted to pull myself up. When I was standing I turned to the mysterious boy.

He was just staring into the pool of rainbow water.

"What is ti?" I asked just to fill the silence.

"Why do you want to know?" His voice  It took me by suprise to hear him say anything. Once the shock wore off I processed that his voice had been harsh and accusing.

"Just conversation."

I tried to make my voice as cool as possible but I think he heard the slight fear shine through.

"What are you doing here?"  His voice hadn't lost its frightening edge. 

"I don't know."

Come to think about it I don't know where 'here' is.

I felt like a cliche victim in a horror movie. The girl who doesn't know where she is and decides to ask the villian for help.

I looked arround taking the empty rocky space that spread out before me and the giant never ending forest behind me.

I didn't have much to lose I looked up at the could-be--villian and asked.

"Where are we?"

He looked at me.

The look he gave me was pure pity, and my body got cold and I let him speak even knowing I wouldn't like the answer.

"It's the half world place where spirits come and go." His voice lost some  of his accusing harshness.

"I don't see any spirits." I said gesturing to the barren empty space behind and infront of me.

"This isn't the destination this is the half world the place where the gates are." He gestured to the rainbow water.

"I had a dream about a thing just like that except it was dark."

"That was the gate that keeps the souls with no solid form. This one" He said as he brushed his hand over the rainbow." it sends souls to a fixed shape on earth, gives them a body."

"Why is there two, what are their perposes?"

"You felt them both this one is forr the kindness and light in people and the other one is all the hatred and darkness. Every person needs both halves."

"Why are there nicer people than others than?"

"Some people get more darkness than light and vice versa."

"What are werewolves than are they two people?"

He looked at me in suprise but continued.

"yeah they have two souls and they need two forms, but they don't count as people?"


Wow this guy gives me alot more information than Roman has.

"Because they have one job. To protect the half world and real world from the escaped souls with no form or a stolen form."

"Why are they bad, and how do you steal a form?"

He looked at me like I was stupid.

"You don't they do, if a person is already using more dark energy than ight energy they can take over the weakening light energy. They are bad because they are solid bad energy no good mixed in."

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled and looked at me a sad smile playing at his lips.

"I help guide souls, like a delivery man. I drop off the bad soul energy and good soul energy and I make sure they're even enogh."

"Why aren't you doing your job now?"

"Because you showed up and I don't know why your here." He looked at me with accusing eyes again." What are you doing here?"

He started pulling something from behind hiis back sowely and I saw a glint of something silver. He quickly pulled his the object forward and pointed its blade toward me. He was now holding a long silver sword. and it was pointed at me.


I hope you like it tell me if its good because its alittle confusing I hope not too confusing. Roman in the next chapter promise

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