New (Smut)

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Warnings: Sub!Carlos x dom!fem!reader, strap-play, swearing, fluff.

Disclaimer: If pegging isn't something you're into, simply don't read this.


It was around 9pm, a typical time for you to sit back and watch some old school spaghetti westerns as they were some of your favorites since you were a kid. You already watched through 2 movies and onto your third, you go. Sometimes, you joke about being "born in the wrong generation" which is quite funny within itself. Carlos came out from the bedroom, wearing his pajamas with damp curly hair in need of more towel drying (and he was still drying it with a towel).

"I didn't know you went to take a shower," you said as you briefly glanced at the handsome Brazilian.

"I told you I had to like 20 minutes ago," answered Carlos as he plopped down next to you, feeling water sprinkle on your cheek but it hardly phased you. You shook your head slowly and pursed your lips in thought. "I don't remember that. Must've not been paying attention." You kept your eyes glued to the TV showing one of Clint Eastwood's movies; The good, the bad and the ugly.

"I can see that," Carlos chuckled slightly, glancing at the TV with his final conclusion to what distracted you. You turned your gaze back to Carlos, this time with a content smile playing your lips. "Wanna stay here and watch it with me? I'm barely like ten minutes in so I can just rewind it back to the beginning." It was more of you insisting than just asking apart from it being a great movie and a childhood favorite at best, you really wanted to share the nostalgia with Carlos. He was somewhat familiar, but you personally had a strong knack for the genre.

Carlos nodded obligingly, "Yeah sure. Scoot over, babe."

You scoffed, raising a brow.

"Why? So you can hog up the couch like last time? No way Jose."

"Scoot over!" Carlos ignores your playful rejection, scooping you up as you yelped in surprise and smacked him on the chest. He laughed amusingly, a cheeky smile on display. It's always his childish side that begs the question why he has to be so damn cute. You curled up to Carlos, resting your head against his chest as a soft sigh left your throat. A couple hours (possibly more) flew by. Not a spaghetti western, rather your typical 90's cult classic. You didn't mind cult classics and they were some of Carlos' favorites. If he could watch yours, you can certainly watch his.

The movie eventually ended and there being no more interesting movies left to watch, the only thing you resorted to were tv channels. One slap on the wrist for forgetting to save more movies to your measly collection! You were laying on top of Carlos with your head using his chest as a pillow, staring dead eyed at the screen. Carlos lazily operated the remote, changing channel after channel for a full minute straight. Nothing appeared to be on. Just some barely tolerable nonsense anyone would thousands to have canceled, and that made you oh so bored. "All these channels are pretty shit," you mumbled as you watched the screen constantly flicker in between visuals from tv shows you couldn't be bothered with.

"That they are," Carlos sighed, his arm starting to tire from hovering in one position too long. He was about to give up and turn off the TV, possibly go right to bed thanks to the lack of real entertainment. Another second went by and off went the television as predicted. Carlos tossed the remote aside and just stared at the ceiling as he rubbed your back, causing You to hum in relaxation under his touch. "I guess we can go to bed. It's getting late," Carlos said, briefly checking his cell phone before setting it back down.

Frankly speaking, a nice deep sleep sounded like the right plan. But for some reason, you didn't feel like going. Not yet. It was at that moment, a sinful smirk displayed itself. Perhaps, you didn't have to go. Maybe, just maybe... you had something else in mind.

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