Follow my lead

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Imagine: Carlos teaching you how to dance.

It was cold night, the blissful fire crackling in the fireplace and the jazz music played in the background. It was slow but at the same time, catchy as all hell. You actually enjoyed the music quite frankly, but there was one small itty bitty problem.

You couldn't dance even if your life depended on it. Anytime, if anyone and absolutely meaning ANYONE came to you and asked you to dance, you'd refuse in a heartbeat. There was no way for them to convince you otherwise. As much as you wanted to try, you couldn't. Of course when it came to your boyfriend, Carlos Oliveira, he found it difficult to take no for an answer.

"Come on! I'll teach you how to dance," Carlos said, caught in a tug-of-war with you. "But I don't want to dance," You hummed and hawed as Carlos only chucked and shook his head at you. "Nope! I'm not gonna take no for an answer, babygirl." His cockiness annoyed the hell out of you apart from what he was about to make you do, of course.

"Why do I have to?" You huffed as you frowned at the Brazilian as he managed to drag you into the living room.

"Because one? I want you to dance with me and two, I think you need to learn how. Try something new, you know?" Carlos had you face him as he picked up your left hand with his right, his other- placed gently on your waist.

"But I'm not a good dancer. I don't even know how to dance," you said, disappointment coloring your tone. Besides the disinterest, you lacked confidence. It clearly showed and made Carlos feel bad for you. Which is why he wanted to raise your spirits and teach you. Even if you thought you didn't have it in you, he was going to change that- no matter what. He'd break a leg for you if it means you'll feel good about yourself.

"Then let me show you. All you have to do is follow my lead and I'll do the work. So.. do you trust me?" Carlos smiled softly at you. You instantly felt more comfortable with the circumstances given. You always knew you could trust Carlos and everything he does or say, so why not trust him now?

You nodded, slow but surely as you were finally ready to take your first steps. Carlos started off with a basic waltz; swaying side to side. A slow dance, what it was. Nothing crazy, only calm and low-key. Carlos took as much time with you as he possibly could in the regards of wanting nothing but a positive experience for you. He pulled you closer to his chest and rested his chin on top of your head. He held you in a wholehearted embrace. You took this as an opportunity to inhale his scent. He smelt handsomely; warm and pleasant. You couldn't have felt any safer in his arms, let alone knowing this is something you could get used to.

Your bodies swayed together in unison with the rhythm of the music. It was so sensual and romantic, everything fell into place perfectly. Carlos always had a soft spot for this type of stuff and it showed. Now, you began to realize you had a soft spot for it, too.

"See? You're doing just fine. I told you- you could trust me," Carlos cooed in a low whispery voice. You smiled against the soft fabric of his sweater.

What would you have done if it weren't for him?

Carlos Oliveira imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now