I'll help you

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Imagine: Carlos cuddling you after you had an intense fight with a family member

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Imagine: Carlos cuddling you after you had an intense fight with a family member.

Carlos knocked gently on the side of the door frame, letting you know he was there and he was there to be with you. You glanced over your shoulder, your rosy cheeks puffy from crying for the past half hour. A dear old family member and you had quite a heated argument over the phone. There's been a lot of shouting and name calling from both ends, but mainly their's. It was too overwhelming and the emotions got to you and you wished they hadn't.

You just wanted to be left alone but at the same time, didn't. It made you glad for a moment to see Carlos come to your aid, but right before unfortunately falling back into a terribly distraught state. "Babe, are you okay?" Carlos asked softly as he got into bed with you, scooting closer till his chest was against your back.

"No, not really," you croaked. He sat his head up his head and brushed strands of hair out of your face.

His heart sank even further after he noticed the tear stains. "Ohh no, babe..." You couldn't help but cover your face in your blanket. You didn't want him to see you like this. "Don't hide from me." Carlos pulled back the blanket and went to cup your face. He just stared into your eyes as he dried them with his thumb. The hurt look on his face mimicked yours, but for different reasons clearly.

"Please don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry," Carlos cooed. You tried to pry your face away but he kept you from doing so. "Hey look at me.. You don't have to fight this alone. Doesn't matter what it is or who it is, I'll help you get through it, alright? I promise."

You slowly nodded your head as your boyfriend leaned down to kiss your forehead gently before holding you as he rubbed your back. A familiar warmth made its way back into your heart and you began to smile against his chest. Carlos knew instantly that he managed to cheer you up because no matter what happens, he never gives up on you and will do anything to make sure you would never forget it.

Carlos Oliveira imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now