chapter 3: this changes everything

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The top 4 arrived earlier than the rest of my classmates.. The first one to arrive was Janine... Off course she's my best friend...

Then Jane, Dan and Dylan followed.. While we were waiting for the rest Dylan said he wanted to come in my room.. So i guided him to my room and told him not to touch anything when i closed the door i saw him right in front of my TV!!

"Dylan didn't i tell you NOT to touch anything!?!? "

Then he brought out his game console and attached it to my tv. What a jerk...

"pffft. Fine just don't do anything stupid in my room." i nagged him

So i went out the room to go join the others... I found out the rest were already here so i said.. "LET'S START THE PARTY!!"

Whew the party was a blast until i found out my room was very dark everyone went home already except for Dylan....

I found him half asleep with only his pants on!! Holy shit!! I can't go to bed with him...

What i did was i slowly took my pillow but he put his arm on my back!! I can't even escape!!

I had no choice but to lie down and sleep... After how many hours..

I felt something is lying on top of me!! When i peeked i saw my Dog!!

My heart pounded and raced until i took a look around my room.. Dylan wasn't around anymore... Hmm i guess he left....



NEXT chapter will make you abit sick in somethings..

Stay tuned... :) please feel free leaving comments..

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