As we prepared the things we needed for the SC (survival camp) i decided to search for survival tips from the internet...
I also made a mini pocket lamp from simple stuff.. And i learned a very helpful tip perfect for the activity...
As we gathered at Dan's house. We talked about the rules..
"okay guys Janine will explain the rules.."
"thank you Dan. *clears throat*
Rule #1
Always stick together as a team
Help each other out when needed
Stay safe and enjoy the survival camp. "
"are you done? Cause the car is waiting outside"
Dylan finishes
"yeah let's go!!!!!!"
This is such an exciting activity!! I won't let stress, pressure and other stuff bug me... Nope not today not ever!
ms innocent and mr not so
Randomwell this is particularly a book full of twists and other stuff so... it depends upon your taste if you wanna read this book~ ;) i'll just be updating~