Chapter 33: in the bathroom..

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So everyone was already driven home...

Including me and Dylan to his own house...

(He gave me a piggy back ride and went inside his house)

"Hey Dylan.. Where are your parents?? I haven't met them yet"

"Ohh so you wanna meet my parents?"

"IT'S NOT LIKE I LOVE YOU OR SOMETHING.. it's just I haven't seen them yet... Plus it seems so quiet in your house with just you and your maids."

"Well my dad's on a business vacation or camp something or whatever it is.. And mom already passed away... Soo."

"Ohh uhmm I'm sorry to hear that... And I should've asked.."

"No it's fine"

(He puts me in the sofa.)

"I'll just go get my first aid kit okay??"


So he went to his room and I was left alone in the living room. Why is he so sweet so.. Caring soo.. Gah!!! This guy is messing my mind up!!

(He returns with his first aid kit)

"You okay??"

"Mmm yeah"

"We must wash your wound first before we patch it up"

(He reffers to the wound on my side and arm)


"Can you walk?"


(Tries to stand up but falls and Dylan catches me)

"Looks like you're in pretty bad shape"

"Yeah maybe"

"Well there's no choice I'll have to take care of you.."


"well they went home already"

"Rrrrr.... Fine.."

*he smiles*

"Let's go"

Oh my gosh... I don't want him to wash me!! Grah!!!!! Why do things like this keep happening to me?!? But why do I have this feeling that I really like what is happening right now.. I mean.. IM NOT A PERVERT I NEVER WAS..

"Hey Kayla why are you blushing??"

"W-wha?! I wasn't you IDIOT!!"

"Then how'd you explain that"

[Refers to the mirror we are looking in front in the bathroom, I saw myself blushing..]

"I just..."

"Who's the IDIOT now IDIOT?"

"Just shut up and put me don't gently.."

*He puts me down*

"So are you ready??"


Okay part 2 again..

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